Surplus big lytics okay?
Fri Aug 26 2011, 03:43AM
Registered Member #2087
Joined: Tue Apr 21 2009, 08:32AM
Posts: 115
Would you trust surplus large electrolytic caps? I saw these at the local parts store and was wondering if they would still be useable for a DRSSTC? I actually have no idea if they are used, they might just be surplus nos, and I cant figure out the date code if any yet. they are $9.95 each
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Registered Member #2288
Joined: Wed Aug 12 2009, 10:42PM
Location: Cambridge, MA
Posts: 179
I'd say go for it, the price is right. I drive all my coils off of old caps, my biggest coil is run off of a series set of pretty old caps that even feel like a dried up blob is inside when shaken, but they perform great.
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