Google Music Beta
Chip Fixes
Sat Jun 18 2011, 02:40AM
Registered Member #3781
Joined: Sat Mar 26 2011, 02:25AM
Posts: 701
Pretty much the best music site on the internet... just saying
I requested an invitation a few months ago and was accepted. I have now uploaded all 15,000 songs in my itunes library to a cloud server where I can access them from anywhere, on any computer and on (most) phones; even if I am not online. No more need for my external hard drive that i have to haul around to events that I DJ. On top of this, it automatically adds songs, I don't have, to the server based on what genres of music I like.
Request an invitation, it's worth it!
EDIT: They do have a 20,000 song limit in the library
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