Brushed rotary spark gap
Wed Apr 20 2011, 08:44PM
Registered Member #3824
Joined: Sun Apr 10 2011, 08:29PM
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 54
Has anyone tried using brushes on the stationary electrodes for a rotary spark gap? I was thinking maybe using light copper ribbon for brushes on the two stationary electrodes or something equivalent that can take the arc. I guess this is just intuition but to me it seems like you can decrease the spark gap loss if for at least a percentage of the conduction period was a direct connection. This scenario would only be beneficial if power loss is linear (ie. if power loss is minimal once the arc is struck then this would be deemed irrelevant).
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Registered Member #3610
Joined: Thu Jan 13 2011, 03:29AM
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 506
I think you would have problems with the brushes deteriorating really quickly. It's hard to transfer a lot of current through brushes, this is one reason cars switched to alternators since the brushes then only have to carry the rotor excitation current.
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