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4hv.org :: Forums :: High Voltage
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200 kV current limited SMPS

Move Thread LAN_403
Fri Apr 01 2011, 08:08PM
jpsmith123 Registered Member #1321 Joined: Sat Feb 16 2008, 03:22AM
Posts: 843
I think you can draw arcs from a multiplier (without using a massive series resistor) if things are set up the right way.

I haven't personally tried it, yet, but from everything I've read (and from what I've seen on youtube), I think it's a matter of having caps that are not too big, diodes that are not too small (i.e., current ratings) and perhaps putting some relatively small resistors in series with the diodes to limit the peak current a little bit.

Here's Uzzors' video of his multiplier which apparently uses no resistors:

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Ash Small
Sat Apr 02 2011, 05:22AM
Ash Small Registered Member #3414 Joined: Sun Nov 14 2010, 05:05PM
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And here's what happens with a 200kV multiplier if you don't put it under oil. (It proves it works, though.)

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Daniel Uhrenholt
Sat Apr 02 2011, 08:53AM
Daniel Uhrenholt Registered Member #125 Joined: Fri Feb 10 2006, 01:52PM
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Ash Small wrote ...

And here's what happens with a 200kV multiplier if you don't put it under oil. (It proves it works, though.)


You don't have to put it under oil, it is a question about layout. Balancing rings or more distance between components. If you look around the net you will se that the multipliers that is in free air, and not incapsulated, is the ones that have the highest output voltages.

Cheers, daniel
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Sat Apr 02 2011, 10:05AM
Marko Registered Member #89 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 02:40PM
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Ash Small wrote ...

And here's what happens with a 200kV multiplier if you don't put it under oil. (It proves it works, though.)


It seems he used only a few of those very high voltage rectifiers which are likely not designed to stand their full voltage in air, and require potting in resin or oil to work, as normally done in flyback transformers. I think oil is still too messy though, if I used those diodes I'd probably just put them into a PVC tube, seal one end with goop and fill it with resin to insulate the diodes.

On other side the diodes like 1N/UF 4007 are extremely unlikely to arc over, instead they'll just avalanche and actually limit the voltage which is in most cases actually better since no carbon track will form on the case.
And I never liked those wimpy 10mA diodes anyway, UF4007's are actually cheaper and far more robust. Only downfall is that you need to solder them all together.

Jan: do you specifically need a DC power supply, if it's just for drawing arcs? One easy way to get one would be to rectify a SSTC. If you want huge power arcs, it's more a thing of pumping huge power than the voltage, although higher voltage does help.

If you have a huge ferrite core you could try disc shaped secondaries to get over 100kV from it (50+50 shouldn't bee too infeasible). But note that if you want to double it, you need as many diodes and caps as you would require to multiply a 10kV supply.
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Ash Small
Sat Apr 02 2011, 10:34AM
Ash Small Registered Member #3414 Joined: Sun Nov 14 2010, 05:05PM
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Daniel Uhrenholt wrote ...

Ash Small wrote ...

And here's what happens with a 200kV multiplier if you don't put it under oil. (It proves it works, though.)


You don't have to put it under oil, it is a question about layout. Balancing rings or more distance between components. If you look around the net you will se that the multipliers that is in free air, and not incapsulated, is the ones that have the highest output voltages.

Cheers, daniel

I appreciate your point Daniel. I should have worded it better.

I should have said 'he' would probably have saved himself a lot of embarassment and expense if he'd simply bothered to put 'his' in a bowl of cheap vegetable oil.
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Dr. Dark Current
Sat Apr 02 2011, 10:47AM
Dr. Dark Current Registered Member #152 Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 03:36PM
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Marko: I don't need a DC supply, I just wanted to see how very high voltage / relatively low current continuous arcs behave. If I can get really huge cores, I could try winding two 100 kV secondaries to get 200 kV.
The problem with SSTC is that the output voltage and impedance is undefined and the tuning is kind of "loose" to say.
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