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Move Thread LAN_403
Wed Mar 23 2011, 10:03PM
Nah Registered Member #3567 Joined: Mon Jan 03 2011, 10:49PM
Location: USA, 1960s
Posts: 260
When I use MOTs, I wire everything up and stand away at least 10 feet away. I also use the breaker to turn them on.
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Wed Mar 23 2011, 11:45PM
Daedronus Registered Member #2329 Joined: Tue Sept 01 2009, 08:25AM
Posts: 370
IMHO flybacks are far more fun then a mot.
higher voltage, nice-er arcs, corona discharge, the nice smell of ozone....etc....
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Wed Mar 23 2011, 11:48PM
Arcstarter Registered Member #1225 Joined: Sat Jan 12 2008, 01:24AM
Location: Beaumont, Texas, USA
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Actually, i was wearing rubber shoes. I was sitting at the time, though, which was an utterly terrible idea and ultimately almost resulted in my death...
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Wed Mar 23 2011, 11:51PM
James Registered Member #3610 Joined: Thu Jan 13 2011, 03:29AM
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 506
the mad scientist wrote ...

ty guys :) ^_^, not to be rude, idk if it even is ? lol. but my dream is to be the best theoretical physicist and advanced chemist ever, better than Einstein but recently it seems that these goal are to far fetched and my life will have no signifigance to science :'(

Einstein was a bizarre freak of nature, one in Billions. I wouldn't worry about not being better than him. Arguably, nobody else in the world ever has been. There's still plenty of people contributing greatly to science though.
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Wed Mar 23 2011, 11:56PM
James Registered Member #3610 Joined: Thu Jan 13 2011, 03:29AM
Location: Seattle, WA
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haxor5354 wrote ...

I used 12 gauge wire to rewind the secondary.
the 2 bars gapping the primary and secondary are the mag-shunts right?

Yep, with those removed the transformer will be capable of a lot higher current with less sag. I would expect hundreds of Amps into a short circuit. About the only thing limiting the current into a short is the DC resistance of the windings. Figure on about 500W of useful continuous output, so 40-50A or so at 12V, assuming the wire is heavy enough.
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Thu Mar 24 2011, 02:31AM
haxor5354 Registered Member #2063 Joined: Sat Apr 04 2009, 03:16PM
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ok I just tried to short it out with a beaker again, but this time I used 3 bridge rectricfiers connected in parallel and a put a 10A fuse on the primary. and guess what? the fuse blows in less than a second! >:(
120V 10A = 1200 watts. so the fuse must be telling me that the MOT is taking more than 1.2kW peak during short circuit conditions.
do I HAVE to use a 17A fuse from a microwave oven to provide protection?
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Thu Mar 24 2011, 05:40AM
James Registered Member #3610 Joined: Thu Jan 13 2011, 03:29AM
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 506
haxor5354 wrote ...

ok I just tried to short it out with a beaker again, but this time I used 3 bridge rectricfiers connected in parallel and a put a 10A fuse on the primary. and guess what? the fuse blows in less than a second! >:(
120V 10A = 1200 watts. so the fuse must be telling me that the MOT is taking more than 1.2kW peak during short circuit conditions.
do I HAVE to use a 17A fuse from a microwave oven to provide protection?

Why are you trying to drive a short circuit? As I said, the power into a short circuit is limited mostly by the resistance of the windings and the mains cord. The transformer is trying to draw infinite power in order to create the desired potential across zero Ohms and only the losses prevent this. You will probably trip the breaker in the panel if you don't blow the fuse on the primary.
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Thomas W
Thu Mar 24 2011, 10:56AM
Thomas W Registered Member #3324 Joined: Sun Oct 17 2010, 06:57PM
Posts: 1276
i was stupid and plunged in straight at the dangerous side of HV with a MOT now i look back and see how lucky i was and HOW BAD IT COULD HAVE ENDED (rather early)

be careful :)
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Fri Mar 25 2011, 03:36PM
quicksilver Registered Member #1408 Joined: Fri Mar 21 2008, 03:49PM
Location: Oracle, AZ
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@ the mad scientist:

These responses are NOT being made in jest nor are the people attempting to be mean. You are talking about something that most people have enormous care and frank fear of....the power of a MOT is such that you only get one shot - IF you don't know everything that could go wrong, it may. IF something does happen you have every probability of loosing your life.

The simple fact that you have questions in that area typifies the need to read and study more. The responses were directed toward care and not to "put you down".
The current from a MOT can easily burn you to such a degree that if you don't die you could loose the use of limbs or some other disfigurement.

MOT's are no joke and certainly not something to learn through. The comparison with a firearm is pretty accurate. One simple mistake is all you get. The rewards are not worth the risk. MOT's have a special place in HV experiments and even then there are substitutes that will achieve similar results in many instances.
Virtually every response you got advised you to find another method to experiment with.....that should tell you something.

The intelligent individual knows what he does not know. The wise individual puts that into practice.
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