Calculating peak discharge current, and clamping
Thu Sept 28 2006, 04:44PM
Registered Member #105
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 08:54PM
Posts: 408
ReddyK is selling some big SCRs if you are looking for one- check out the thread in the sale and trade forum.
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Quantum Singularity
Registered Member #158
Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 09:53PM
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IamSmooth wrote ...
Quantum, what SCR are you using to handle that current surge and where did you buy it? Can you post a picture?
Sorry I havent been on 4hv in a few weeks. The scr's I use are Eupec TT180 series - sorry I dont remember the whole number off hand. They are rated 1200V and a surge (Itsm) of 6700A. Since I cant really calculate the currents involved, or attempted to measure, I just hooked all three that I have in parallel. I purchased them on ebay for about $10 US each. I often see much larger >10ka puck ones for reasonable prices but I like the mounting convinience of the module with bolts. So far I have only tested to about 1.5kJ but with many dozen tests so far no signs of failure. Here is a pic: Details, pics, and video clips on my website of project EMP3A at
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