Feedback antenna sparking and 1N60 diode burn
Wed Jan 26 2011, 09:36AM
Registered Member #1412
Joined: Thu Mar 27 2008, 04:07PM
Location: Taipei Taiwan
Posts: 278
Sometimes I found my feedback antenna is sparking and when I use a higher input voltage (50V) today after a short run diode D2 burned and produced some orange light.Why?
And how can I tune class E SSTC?should I connect oscilloscope to my SSTC?Or just change diffrent caps trying to get longest spark? My frequency is 450KHZ,what cap value should I try? Thanks
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Registered Member #3640
Joined: Sat Jan 22 2011, 12:16PM
Location: Germany close to Heidelberg
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Are this germanium diodes? Then they probably are just a tick sensible - or your feedback antenna is too close. Try using 1N4148 or move to a bigger distance.
Real class E is not this simple - check either Steve Wards or Richie Burnett's web page, there are good examples and explanations. In particular see Steve's notes on coupling.
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Registered Member #2922
Joined: Sun Jun 13 2010, 12:08AM
Posts: 226
To tune it you need an oscilloscope, and the capacitor need to be calculated using as reference your primary inductance. Read this to understand better what is and how works a Class E system:
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