Plate Transformers and Tesla Coils
Mon Jan 17 2011, 12:42PM
Registered Member #3625
Joined: Mon Jan 17 2011, 12:15PM
Posts: 5
I have a Besler Model BE-7129 plate transformer that I purchased quite a while ago. The ad stated that it was used for RCA 866A rectifer tubes and was rated at 3100 VDC from CT @ 500 ma. Shortly after recieving it I Googled the transformer out of curiosity and found an equivalent of this transformer rated at 7000 VCT @ 0.5A ICAS (FWCT). Testing the transformer with a signal generator I found that the transformer had a primary to secondary voltage ratio of about 1:30.
Taking these factors into consideration I thought I may be able to make a decent size Tesla Coil with this transformer but I wanted to ask the following questions:
1. Aside from a lack of current limiting, what advantages and disadvantages does a plate transformer have over other transformers in their use for Tesla Coils. 2. How much power do you think I could pump into my transformer before it burnt out? 3. Would my transformer be more suitable for a SGTC or a VTTC? If VTTC what tubes would you suggest as being suitable?
Also does anyone know what ICAS means?
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The main issue is that plate transformers are lower in voltage than your typical Tesla transformer which is usually rated around 12kV to 15kV depending on what you have.
Lower voltage transformers for high power Tesla coil use become problematic as the amount of current you need to design for becomes higher than that of a similarly powered Tesla Coil using a 14.4kV or 15kV transformer. Mostly, its going to affect your spark gap and its ability to quench properly.
To answer your question, your plate transformer would be better suited in a VTTC application. I can't suggest any tubes off the top of my head except the 833x series which would be a good match for the 4000V transformer. But there are a few guys on here with lots of VTTC expertise which can answer your tube related questions.
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