tetrode / pentode in class-e
Crunchy Frog
Fri Dec 31 2010, 11:15PM
Registered Member #2422
Joined: Tue Oct 06 2009, 02:41AM
Posts: 85
Are there any significant (power handling for example) benefits in using the class e configuration with a tetrode or pentode? I imagine it would be less useful for a triode, as they need higher voltage to achieve the same current while fully on, but the I(V) curve set for a tetrode looks very similar to that of a mosfet. (going by figs 5 and 6 in )
Also: I have read that the main purpose of a maximum plate voltage is to indirectly set a maximum RF plate current. (As opposed to the dc plate current listed in the datasheet.) So should I just take this number as it is in the datasheet, or should I calculate the current they mean and apply that to class e?
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