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4hv.org :: Forums :: General Science and Electronics
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Useful link reference and formulas.

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Move Thread LAN_403
Mon Mar 23 2009, 03:29AM Print
Arcstarter Registered Member #1225 Joined: Sat Jan 12 2008, 01:24AM
Location: Beaumont, Texas, USA
Posts: 2253
The main idea of this thread is to help new members with calculations and assorted stuff by having a sticky thread with links to calculations and stuff like that, to perhaps reduce the amount of rather pointless posts. Not naming anyone, there have been very many.

I am basically requesting a sticky thread. Here are my links that are very helpful, and if you wish to contribute, we could get a long list going, and have it stickied.

Also as a sidenote, remember to look into the rules!

Basic Electronics

Link2 Graphical resistance calculator. Choose the band colors, and it calculates the resistance.

Link2 A 555 astable frequency/duty cycle calculator.

Link2 Very useful for coilguns. Capacitor energy storage in joules.

Link2 Volts or watts into amps.

Link2 calculate cm^-1, nm, mS/uS/nS

Link2 A better 555 calculator, but needs to be downloaded.

Link2 Good RLC simulator, and other coilgun info.

Link2 Inductance calculators, for different types of coils.

Link2 ANSI PCB trace width calculator.

Link2 Ohms law calculator. Good for calculating stuff like resistance dividers, voltage drop across a given resistance at a given current, and such.

Link2 Transistor base resistor calculator

Java applications

Link2 Very useful java applets of science and physics.

Datasheets and info
Link2 Datasheetcatalog for semiconductors. I use this place, and only this place. They have almost everything. Just type in the top yellow bar.

Link2 Franks electron tube data sheets for vacuum tubes. This place has most of the tube i look for.

Link2 Another good website for vacuum tube datasheets.

Link2 A very useful PDF, explaining a lot about IGBTs.

Link2 Wire sizes in mm, inches, and AWG, and current carrying capacity for chassis and power transmission.

Link2 Another semiconductor datasheet site. Sometimes has the parts others do not.

Link2 National semi's guide to switch mode DC-DC converters/regulators.

Link2 Maxim IC's power circuit app notes either by purpose or topology, a favourite reference of mine

Link2 Maxim IC's DC-DC PSU cookbook (a big table of Vin, Vout, Iout, and the regulator + circuit) - great for quickly adding a known working design into something without having to do as much research and part selection.

Link2 Tube amplifier schematics. In Italian, but you can use google translate, or just guess the catagories.

Link2 Amplifiers, simulation programs, and a database.

Link2 Some good helpful schematics.

Link2 Tons of information about many different areas of electronics, from PLLs to televisions.

Link2 Tons of scanned electronics books, plenty of information about many electronic devices.

Tesla coils

Link2 Tesla coil calculations (MMC calc, resonant freq calc, capacitor to transformer calc, and much more).

Link2 More tesla coil calculators, and other cool stuff.

Link2 MMC calculator for SGTC, DRSSTC and QCW

Link2 This site has alot of information about solid state Tesla coil theory, spark gap Tesla coil theory, induction heaters, and much more.

Link2 If you have something you want to know about tesla coils, Tesla Downunder is great. It also has a bunch of other neat stuff, too. Definately suggested.

Link2 A short but useful list of what small capacitors, in a MMC setup, have been found to be good and bad in Tesla coil use.

Link2 Some cool calculations/formulas

Link2 DRSSTC design guide, a walk-through on component selection

High voltage:

Link2 High voltage DC probe.

Link2 High voltage AC probe.

Other misc formulas and calculators:

Link2 Cm to inch and vice versa. Remember, a mm is a tenth of a cm.

Link2 MPH to KPH conversion.

Link2 Misc calculators for all sorts of things.

Length of wire (in feet) for a given number of turns around a toroid of given dimensions:

(T * (OD - ID + 2 * H) + (ML / 2.54))

-T is number of turns
-OD is outer diameter of toroid in inches
-ID is inner diameter of toroid in inches
-H is height of toroid in inches
-ML is mean length of toroid in centimeters (usually given as centimeters)

Surface area of a toroid in square centimeters:

pi * (OD + ID) * H + (pi * (OD / 2)^2 - pi * (ID / 2)^2)

-OD is outer diameter of toroid in centimeters
-ID is inner diameer of toroid in centimeters
-H is height of toroid in centimeters
-------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Still accepting more, you can never have too many!

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Chris Cristini
Mon Mar 23 2009, 03:43AM
Chris Cristini Registered Member #1749 Joined: Fri Oct 10 2008, 02:04AM
Location: Claremont New Hampshire
Posts: 497
What about this one. Link2 volts/watts to amperage calculator.
Ohms law calculator Link2
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Dr. Slack
Mon Mar 23 2009, 01:40PM
Dr. Slack Registered Member #72 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 08:29AM
Location: UK St. Albans
Posts: 1659
This stuff really belongs on the wiki, some of it might already be there, any chance you duplicate it there? It will be more natural to do that when the wiki is more visible from the main page.
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Mon Mar 23 2009, 02:08PM
aonomus Registered Member #1497 Joined: Thu May 22 2008, 05:24AM
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 801
Once the list grows further I could duplicate it to the wiki, I suggested on IRC to Arcstarter to put the thread here to give it some more publicity so more people could contribute.

Also it would be best to divide that list into a few sections: calculators & reference guides, how to guides, and theoretical reference.

Also, links:
Frequency/period/wavelength calculator, always handy for when you don't want to do a bunch of different conversions from cm^-1, nm, mS/uS/nS. Link2

How to:
HVDC probe (DC only, lossy at AC freq's.): Link2

HVAC probe Link2
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Mon Mar 23 2009, 07:27PM
Shaun Registered Member #690 Joined: Tue May 08 2007, 03:47AM
Location: New Jersey, USA
Posts: 616
I love this site:


Check the physics section for electronics related calculators, but also see their Ultra Calculators. The site would be a vital bookmark for everyone here.
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Mon Mar 23 2009, 07:32PM
big5824 Registered Member #1687 Joined: Tue Sept 09 2008, 08:47PM
Location: UK, Darlington
Posts: 240
cant forget barrys site Link2
Most useful part is the two java aps down the side
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Mads Barnkob
Mon Mar 23 2009, 07:52PM
Mads Barnkob Registered Member #1403 Joined: Tue Mar 18 2008, 06:05PM
Location: Denmark, Odense C
Posts: 1968
How did you miss out on JAVATC and JAVAMMC!! :D



Forgot to add this library of very useful java applets of all sorts in any field of science and experiments.

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Mon Mar 23 2009, 08:15PM
101111 Registered Member #575 Joined: Sun Mar 11 2007, 04:00AM
Location: Norway
Posts: 263
Electronics assistant is a freeware application I'll use now and then. I recommend it.
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Tue Mar 24 2009, 01:22AM
Myke Registered Member #540 Joined: Mon Feb 19 2007, 07:49PM
Location: MIT
Posts: 969
MadsKaizer wrote ...

Forgot to add this library of very useful java applets of all sorts in any field of science and experiments.

Here is a couple useful circuits that are in that page Link2
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Chris Cristini
Tue Mar 24 2009, 02:44PM
Chris Cristini Registered Member #1749 Joined: Fri Oct 10 2008, 02:04AM
Location: Claremont New Hampshire
Posts: 497
Here is a good one for 555 timers. Link2
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Moderator(s): Chris Russell, Noelle, Alex, Tesladownunder, Dave Marshall, Dave Billington, Bjørn, Steve Conner, Wolfram, Kizmo, Mads Barnkob

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