Odd switching of DRSSTC Driver

yoctoflop, Mon Jun 12 2017, 03:54PM

Hey everyone! I've assembled Steve Ward's DRSSTC Driver v1.3b and it works fantastically except for one issue. When I send it a signal from my interrupter, the circuit begins oscillating at 63khz, the frequency I input with my function generator. I'm scoping the output of my GDT. When it switches on, the rising edge is very unstable and doesn't switch on at an interval of the feedback. I'm afraid this would hard-switch my IGBTs. Would this be anything to worry about, and if so, does anyone know what would cause this? Thanks for your time.

Re: Odd switching of DRSSTC Driver
Netzpfuscher, Tue Jun 13 2017, 09:11AM

The function generator is the problem. The frequency of the function generator is not synced with the interrupter. At normal feedback mode the oscillation starts in sync with the high signal of the interrupter.
The unstable pulse at the beginning is a interference of the frequency of the interrupter and your function generator. In normal operation this pulse should not occur.
Re: Odd switching of DRSSTC Driver
yoctoflop, Tue Jun 13 2017, 06:10PM

Thanks for confirming my suspicion about it not being in sync. Now I don't have to worry about my bridge exploding (at least not for that reason!). Thanks again. Sorry if it was a stupid question!