What is the frequency output (Hz) for this NSTs secondary?

ScottH, Mon Apr 24 2017, 04:47PM

I looked for the specs online, but no luck. The smaller newer NSTs like this use smaller parts, and put out HF current. This model should use a switch mode power supply, 3kv @30ma. Link2
Re: What is the frequency output (Hz) for this NSTs secondary?
GrantX, Tue Apr 25 2017, 08:27AM

I'm not sure about that specific unit, but I have a furnace ignition transformer and electronic NST that both operate around 25kHz
Re: What is the frequency output (Hz) for this NSTs secondary?
Kolas, Thu May 11 2017, 10:01PM

It should be possible (likely with great difficulty) to measure the output frequency. this would probably involve the use of a very large array of resistors and an oscilloscope.

Suffice to say, if you cannot hear the arc, its 20+ khz.