Simple 24 V sstc

Chris Cristini, Sat Sept 17 2016, 01:35AM

Well I got board and found a simple TC that uses a circuit called a slayer/exciter what ever that means any way this is the first Tesla Coil I'd call successful that I have built. Here it is what do you think.


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Re: Simple 24 V sstc
hen918, Sat Sept 17 2016, 12:39PM

Is that a hard disk platter!? it looks good!
Re: Simple 24 V sstc
Chris Cristini, Sat Sept 17 2016, 02:43PM

It is an HD platter works pretty good I don't know how accurate my multimeter is but it says the frequency is around 1.5Mhz.
Re: Simple 24 V sstc
Nik, Sat Sept 17 2016, 03:58PM

Great coil! That looks a little rough on the fingers but your final build is nice. I like the fully visible lay out!
Re: Simple 24 V sstc
Chris Cristini, Sat Sept 17 2016, 06:15PM

I have to work out the 555 Interrupter and the LM7808 but I found an old HP printer SMPS 31V at 3.17A the output is almost twice the length and can't Bear the finger discharge it hurts a lot now :) And thank you Nik I like being able to fix something at any time now I might be hooked on small Tesla coils maybe build another.

hen918 wrote ...

Is that a hard disk platter!? it looks good!

Thank you.
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Well with all of the experiments I have done with this I'm glad the SMPS has overload protection and another thing if anyone else makes something like this where is uses the secondary for gate drive make sure you keep a finger on the top load when adjusting the POTs otherwise your screwdriver will draw an arc off of them

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I have also learned that if the top load is to large you will have tons of issues I tried and tried to get the interrupter to work and nothing I rewound the secondary with thicker wire it didn't help I took the top load off and it worked the interrupter allowed me to keep the MOSFET cool while producing a good spark so I found a smaller top load and it works great.
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Re: Simple 24 V sstc
Chris Cristini, Wed Sept 28 2016, 03:15PM

Here is a larger 3.5" 600 turn secondary I wound on a water bottle looks like junk but at 31v input its not bad. Link2
Re: Simple 24 V sstc
Chris Cristini, Fri Oct 14 2016, 03:43AM

OK I got a 12-120 Volt boost converter in the mail and it works great up until 30V then it gets to much voltage spike and shuts down so I think converting it to class E and actually grounding the secondary would be a good idea supposedly this boost converter can output 900W so what do you think?