What tesla coil setup is more efficient and powerful?

Slava, Sun Nov 08 2015, 09:34PM


A or B, cons and pros?
Re: What tesla coil setup is more efficient and powerful?
Sigurthr, Sun Nov 08 2015, 10:40PM

This is covered innumerable times on this forum, it's just harder to search for.

Setup B is preferred as the parallel gap effectively disconnects the power supply during gap conduction, preventing HF and HV feedback from entering the power source and causing damage or interference.
Re: What tesla coil setup is more efficient and powerful?
Slava, Sun Nov 08 2015, 10:43PM

Is it ok to use a DC power source?
Re: What tesla coil setup is more efficient and powerful?
Sigurthr, Sun Nov 08 2015, 11:25PM

It involves more parts and more difficult construction, just google "DC resonant tesla coil". It is neither good nor bad, just different.