Pulse D optimizations

Andy, Mon Jan 12 2015, 03:33AM

Hi, ive been experimenting with acceralting sea water with electric current, I,ve done a couple of tests and out of 24/1.65 @ 60/4.5 volts/amps the first one made just as much speed. Im guessing because of the air.
If the first is 40joules I would like to make a pulse well mulpie pulses over a second to equal forty.
What im trying to workout is, with more volts more amps are produced from a cap, but the joules increase by power.

What type of timing volts, amps, capatance, type of capactor to use to make it optimal.


The way I would do it is add 5,6,7,8 varables to a program and bruteforce for a week what would be good.
One I dont have a computer and im more looking for experienced opion, anyway...