Looking for Cloud Deployment BETA users

Hon1nbo, Mon Oct 13 2014, 01:49PM

I am putting the finishing touches on my new and improved cloud deployment service, and I'm looking for some help testing.
I have a handful of IPs I can set aside for a month or so in exchange for some testing and honest feedback, as well as a hefty 4hv discount for anyone who wants to keep using it. (I have a new IP range that was just allocated to me, but I have to install some new network drops first).

I will be providing full details of the deployment, including what it takes to get the entire cloud running within SELinux contexts (and possibly GRSec if I can get that fully functional) in the form of a detailed write-up, with policy modules for the parts that cannot be solved with just a simple seboolean change.

I can also work on a custom image if you have something in mind other than Ubuntu Server or CentOS, which are my current go-to images.

Testers who are simply volunteering will have a 45 GB image and 1 GB RAM. They are all on a shared 100 Mbps symmetrical pipe, but if I notice any testers maxing out the bandwidth I'll have to put in some restrictions. If a user wants to keep the service after helping with testing, it goes back to unmetered and an increase to 2 GB RAM as the base size.

Note, testing images are NOT persistent. This means that if you "delete" or shutdown the instance (not within the VM, though this is unrecommended), then the changes made to the image are lost. Some users will have access to snapshots and persistence in beta, but not all. If you would like to try these features let me know.

For those that want to keep the service after helping with testing for a month, my normal rate is $40/month for a 45GB image (persistent with snapshotting), 2 GB RAM, and unmetered data transfer. For 4HV people I'm offering for $30 a month in exchange for testing and feedback over the beta month, and this price would be good for at least a year (assuming business isn't crappy I'll keep it that way). If at any time you decide you don't like the service, you can also request a download of your image to keep your data in standard qcow2 format.

All interested please email me at my small business email, jhartnett @ gawsolutions.us , as this is the best way to contact me about this service. I don't always get PM notifications from the 4hv system.

