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4hv Migratory Junk Box

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Move Thread LAN_403
Chris Russell
Wed Jul 02 2008, 08:06PM Print
Chris Russell ... not Russel!
Registered Member #1 Joined: Thu Jan 26 2006, 12:18AM
Location: Tempe, Arizona
Posts: 1052
For those not familiar with the concept, you'll want to read this thread: Link2

In short, we're starting a travelling junk box. You can take what you want, add what you like, and send it on to the next person. Who knows what sort of fabulous 4hv junk you might end up with! All this for the cost of a priority mail flat rate box.

Let's start signing up! So far, the participants are:

EDIT: See map for current list of participants.

Anyone else who wants to participate, please let me know. We're going to have it go through the US first, and then on to each major geographical region in turn.

Anyone who would like to participate should use the PM system and send me their address, their name, and if there's anyone they'd absolutely like to be before or after on the list.

For reference, here are the rules of participating:

1) The box will be a flat-rate priority mail box. This allows unlimited weight and makes sure everyone in the US pays the same for shipping - $9.80. Anyone who signs up to receive the box agrees to be responsible for the cost of shipping it to the next person, who will be in the United States - so have $9.80 set aside. The box will be returned to me when it is done with its US rounds and I will pass it on to the next country on the list.

2) Nothing hazardous that could be a problem. This means, as Conundrum said, no mercury switches, no liquids, nothing very fragile, and no lithium batteries or anything that could short out or turn on in transit.

3) Take and add what you want, but try to add something of equivalent or greater value compared to what you took.

4) Whoever gets the box must sign the log book, take the junk they want, add the junk they don't, update the inventory, mail the box to the next person, and make a post here about it.

5) The box should be passed on as soon as possible. Please don't sit on it for a week before sending it to the next person.

6) I will accept the names of everyone who wants to participate, and send each person a private message with the address of the person who is next in line to receive the box. That way we don't need to worry about keeping information in the box updated if anyone changes their mind. Check your private messages before sending the box along, just in case anything has changed.

7) If the box is in bad shape, please replace it. They are free at the post office. You can order them for free at usps.com.

We'd all appreciate it if anyone would like to make a post in this thread as the box reaches each destination. Pictures would be most welcome.

Please use this thread only to post that you received or sent the box, along with pictures if you'd like. Keep the chatting and suggestions limited to the other thread.
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Chris Russell
Sat Aug 23 2008, 08:07PM
Chris Russell ... not Russel!
Registered Member #1 Joined: Thu Jan 26 2006, 12:18AM
Location: Tempe, Arizona
Posts: 1052
Okay, the box is on its way to Dave's as we speak. I should note that Conundrum got the box off the ground and off to a great start with his contribution of stuff. I tried to round it out as much as possible, and Dave will be able to help even more with that.

Here's an inventory of what's currently in the box. Anyone who gets the box should post an updated inventory when it's sent out.

Got from Conundrum:

- assorted bag of silicon
- unknown Toshiba control board
- xenon flash tube
- cellular phone circuitboard
- optical module x(2)
- neodymium magnets
- single conversion fsk receiver
- Toshiba lcd controller
- small lcd screen x(4)
- large 3 pin power connector
- small board w/ random parts x(2)
- 470 ohm resistors x(~50)
- flex cable w/ motor x(2)
- 6ft 4-conductor ribbon cable
- large circuit breaker
- 1.5ft 1in-wide thermal strip
- unknown photodiode module
- box of LEDs
- bag of random parts & thermal pads
- motor w/ reduction drive x(3)
- OEG relay x(2)
- 4.4 UH conductor
- LED array
- 10-turn 2k linear potentiometer
- assorted ferrites & coils
- 99.99% pure sample indium
- vial glow powder
- small piece of pcb with 4HV etched on it
- 11 mbps wireless lan module
- unknown black plastic module
- piezo x(3)
- lens x(6)
- large poly & electrolytic capacitors x(5)
- microswitch module x(2)
- bag of 12 assorted zener diodes
- small bag of random parts
- small bag of many disc capacitors

I took:

- 3 transistors from random bag
- 1 butterfly air variable capacitor
- 1 metal can crystal
- 2 photoresistors
- 2 germanium diodes

I added:

- 1 answering machine controlboard sans a few parts
- 1 2n3055 transistor in to-3 case
- 1 h8513 transistor in to-3 case
- 2 ferrite noise chokes
- 1 to-3 socket
- 1 screw-in 30amp fuse
- 1 spool magnet wire, unknown gauge
- 1 db9f connector
- 1 ps2 to usb adapter
- 20 canadian brass screws
- 3 tl074 op amps
- 2 microswitches
- 1 microwave oven capacitor
- 1 fan motor core
- 1 transformer, unknown voltage
- 1 package pic microcontrollers
- 1 broken AEAPCB88 terminal node controller
- 1 working DeLorme Earthmate serial GPS receiver
- 1 Log Book

Total Current Inventory:

- assorted bag of silicon
- unknown Toshiba control board
- xenon flash tube
- cellular phone circuitboard
- optical module x(2)
- neodymium magnets
- single conversion fsk receiver
- Toshiba lcd controller
- small lcd screen x(4)
- large 3 pin power connector
- small board w/ random parts x(2)
- 470 ohm resistors x(~50)
- flex cable w/ motor x(2)
- 6ft 4-conductor ribbon cable
- large circuit breaker
- 1.5ft 1in-wide thermal strip
- unknown photodiode module
- box of LEDs
- bag of random parts & thermal pads
- motor w/ reduction drive x(3)
- OEG relay x(2)
- 4.4 UH conductor
- LED array
- 10-turn 2k linear potentiometer
- assorted ferrites & coils
- 99.99% pure sample indium
- vial glow powder
- small piece of pcb with 4HV etched on it
- 11 mbps wireless lan module
- unknown black plastic module
- piezo x(3)
- lens x(6)
- large poly & electrolytic capacitors x(5)
- microswitch module x(2)
- bag of 12 assorted zener diodes
- small bag of random parts
- small bag of many disc capacitors
- 1 answering machine controlboard sans a few parts
- 1 2n3055 transistor in to-3 case
- 1 h8513 transistor in to-3 case
- 2 ferrite noise chokes
- 1 to-3 socket
- 1 screw-in 30amp fuse
- 1 spool magnet wire, unknown gauge
- 1 db9f connector
- 1 ps2 to usb adapter
- 20 canadian brass screws
- 3 tl074 op amps
- 2 microswitches
- 1 microwave oven capacitor
- 1 fan motor core
- 1 transformer, unknown voltage
- 1 package pic microcontrollers
- 1 broken AEAPCB88 terminal node controller
- 1 working DeLorme Earthmate serial GPS receiver
- 1 Log Book

The box is currently on it's way to Dave Marshall, in Warner-Robins, GA. Next up is going to be J. Aaron Holmes. I'm going to try to get a map up so you folks can see where it's been and where it's going. If anyone doesn't see their name on the list above, send me a private message as soon as possible.
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Dave Marshall
Mon Sept 08 2008, 04:00AM
Dave Marshall Registered Member #16 Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 02:22PM
Location: New Wilmington, PA
Posts: 554
Ok, after a substantial delay on my part, the box will be leaving for J. Aaron Holmes' house on Monday the 8th of September.

I took some pretty good swag out of the box:

The xenon flash tube
The garmin GPS
The LED ring
A couple of the random ICs
The 10 turn, 2k potentiometer
A little of the glow powder
2 of the little neodium magnets

I figure that obligates me to put some good stuff in to replace what I took. I added:

6) 680uF 250v capacitors
1) 600v 300A stud SCR
2) 400v 200A diode packs
2) 20kv(ish?) diode stacks on PCBs
4) small air variable butterfly capacitors
2) aluminum harddrive platters
1) 3 pole, 12 position rotary switch
About 30' of 13awg magnet wire
100ish feet of much thinner (24awg?) magnet wire
2 pairs of matching IR LEDs/phototransistors
Assorted 4000 series logic chips
3 or 4 crystals of assorted frequencies

There is everything required for a 130 joule SCR switched coilgun now in the box, except a coilform.

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Chris Russell
Sun Sept 14 2008, 05:44PM
Chris Russell ... not Russel!
Registered Member #1 Joined: Thu Jan 26 2006, 12:18AM
Location: Tempe, Arizona
Posts: 1052
Off topic posts removed. This thread is only for messages from people who have received and/or sent the box. Let's keep it free of clutter.
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Chris Russell
Mon Oct 27 2008, 02:06PM
Chris Russell ... not Russel!
Registered Member #1 Joined: Thu Jan 26 2006, 12:18AM
Location: Tempe, Arizona
Posts: 1052
Good news! The box is actually en route to its next destination. The bad news is that Dave mailed it off just before a deployment overseas, and didn't have time to do an inventory, so it really will be a mystery as to what's inside.

I hope that's the last prolonged stop the box makes. There are a lot of people looking forward to getting their turn with the box, I'm sure.
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J. Aaron Holmes
Fri Oct 31 2008, 07:01AM
J. Aaron Holmes Registered Member #477 Joined: Tue Jun 20 2006, 11:51PM
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 546
Well, poo. Chris, I ought to have read your last post before sealing the box up (again). I didn't take a full inventory either, and probably should have, since the box had developed a few gaps and there were an awful lot of very tiny loose parts bouncing around. I think it quite certain that at least one or two escaped. Anyway, here's my compulsory I-got-the-junk-box post:

Here's the box as it arrived. Could have been in better shape, but nothing was seriously violated, anyway:
DSC01050 Thumb

Here's a look inside:
DSC01052 Thumb

And here are all the contents spread out:
DSC01056 Thumb

Here are some of the loose bits. Some probably came from one of the bags. Some look like they probably broke off of one of the PCBs. I put them all in a new Ziplock baggy, so now there's a Junk Bag inside the Junk Box wink wink
DSC01055 Thumb

I stole the:
680uF 250v capacitors
600v 300A stud SCR
400v 200A diode packs
13AWG magnet wire
one of the air variable capacitors
DSC01062 Thumb

I replaced with:
4x CM600 IGBT bricks
5x PIC 16F688s new in tube
1x 16x2 LCD display new in bag
1x Mark Dunn SISG board, unpopulated
DSC01057 Thumb
DSC01061 Thumb

The CM600's were so big and heavy, I decided to engineer a cardboard tray to keep them from rattling around and destroying the rest of the Junk Box contents:
DSC01059 Thumb
DSC01060 Thumb

...and here's the box, all ready to go again. ALMOST... Look REAL close. Bonus points to whoever sees what I forgot to do. I almost cried when I noticed. Don't reply in this thread! (Answer backwards: .koob gol eht togrof I)
DSC01063 Thumb

Box will be on its way off to Mike tomorrow!

PS: Since I'm giving them away, I can't be a chooser, but if you only plan on using two of the CM600's, do please leave the other two for somebody else. Modifying my packaging job shouldn't be too hard. OTOH, if you plan on using all of them, be my guest smile

Aaron, N7OE

teslacoolguy wrote ...

You forgot to put the log book in there. Am i right?
+10. Yes, damn! I was pissed! I had just peeled and stuck the end flaps down. Somehow I managed to tease the flaps apart with a knife and not rip them, but I still covered the thing in packing tape for good measure afterwards.
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Thu Nov 06 2008, 10:43PM
Mike Registered Member #58 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:40AM
Location: Tri-Cities, Washington, US
Posts: 317
Box showed up today!!! When I got it from the mail man he told me it was pretty heavy :D:D
I rushed it open and found it stuffed! full of cool things and parts I'd never seen before.
Anyways what I took:
2 of the CM600 bricks (i wont be greedy, I left the other 2 :))
1 SiSG Control Board( unpopulated)
5 inches of the thermal strip
1 of the ferrite toroids

Since I took some really nice stuff, I figured I better replace it all :D:
1 UPE computer grade 3300uF 400VDC electrolytic capacitor
3x Ge 40L3501 5uF 400VDC axial film caps
3x 8inch by 10inch sheets of double sided copper clad for etching
4x UCC37322P 9a mosfet drivers(Dip package)
4x UCC37321P 9a mosfet drivers(Dip package)
5x UCC27425 dual mosfet drivers (DIP Package)
5x fairchild FOD2200 optoisolators (Dip package)
3x Microchip PIC18LF2550 (dip package)
3x Microchip PIC18F2550 (dip package)
4x RURG8060 diodes (to-247?) and 12x HGTG27N120BN 1200v 72A diodes(to-247) <<These are both in the same plastic rail together.
1x new in box 9pin male D-sub connector from radioshack
4x E45NK80ZD 800v 45A sot-227 minibrick mosfets
2x STTH200L06TV1 Turbo dual diode 600v 120a sot-227 minibrick package

assorted bag of silicon -cant find this...hmm
unknown toshiba control board
cell phone circuit board
1 neodyium magnet
optical module (x2)
single conversion fsk receiver (duno what that is, but no one said they took it)
toshiba lcd controller
small lcd screen (x4)
large 3 pin power connector ( ithink)
small board w/random parts (x2)
470 ohm resistors(x50)
flex cable w/ two motors ???
6 foot 4 conductor ribbon cable
large circuit breaker
1ft 1inchwide thermal strip
unknown photodiode module
box of led's
bag of random parts and thermal pads
motor w/reduction driver (x3)
oeG relay(x2)
4.4uh conductor
led array
assorted ferrites and coils
99.99% pure indium sample
vail of glow powder --cant find this either
small piece of pcb with 4hv etched on it
11mbps wireless lan module
unknown black plastic module
piezo x3
lens x6
2 poly capacitors in bag
microswitch module x2
bag of 12 assorted zener diodes
small bag of random parts
small bag of many disc capacitors
1 answering machine controlboard sans a few parts
1 2n3055 transistor in to-3 case -cant find this
1 h8512 transistor in to-3 case
2 ferrite noise chokes
1 to-3 socket
1 screw in 30 amp fuse
1 spool magnet wire unknown gage
1 db94 connector
1 ps2 to usb adapter
20 canadian brass screws
3 tl074 op amps
2 microswitches
1 microwave oven capacitor
1 fan motor core
1 transformer unknown voltage
1 package pic microcontrollers
1 broken AeapCB88 terminal node controller
2 CM600 igbt bricks
1 lcd 16x2 display new in bag
5x PIC 16F688s new in tube
1 UPE computer grade 3300uF 400VDC electrolytic capacitor
3x Ge 40L3501 5uF 400VDC axial film caps
3x 8inch by 10inch sheets of double sided copper clad for etching
4x UCC37322P 9a mosfet drivers(Dip package)
4x UCC37321P 9a mosfet drivers(Dip package)
5x UCC27425 dual mosfet drivers (DIP Package)
5x fairchild FOD2200 optoisolators (Dip package)
3x Microchip PIC18LF2550 (dip package)
3x Microchip PIC18F2550 (dip package)
4x RURG8060 diodes (to-247?) and 12x HGTG27N120BN 1200v 72A diodes(to-247) <<These are both in the same plastic rail together.
1x new in box 9pin male D-sub connector from radioshack
4x E45NK80ZD 800v 45A sot-227 minibrick mosfets
2x STTH200L06TV1 Turbo dual diode 600v 120a sot-227 minibrick package
1 logbook
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Fri Nov 14 2008, 05:29AM
... Registered Member #56 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:02AM
Location: Southern Califorina, USA
Posts: 2445
It arrived safely here at UCSB, and was quite full smile

I didn't manage to bring stuff home on my trip home last weekend, but I had a fair amount of of mazzilli parts, so I added:
(see Link2 for more info about boards--sorry I don't have a better page up yet)
4x to-247 heatsinks
6x IRFP250
3x T130-6 powdered iron cores (one is a little chipped) I would recommend about 200 turns on them for a mazzilli driver, one has 100 turns on it
2x aerovox AFPS (high current pulsed) series 3uf/450vdc caps
1x PF2125-ND 1.2uf 250v cap
10x uf4007 1A/1kv fast diodes
4x 583-R5000F-T 0.2A/5kv fast diodes
~20x 1n5240 10v zener didoes
2x K104a large mazzilli driver boards--these boards had some problems in the manufacturing process one has a big hole in the middle and one has a few missing traces
2x K104b small mazzilli driver boards, these ones are in decent shape but will require a bit of rework (not quite sellable but totally junkbox quality)
~10x medium ESD bags
~20x ESD warning stickers
and a few Krazer 'business' cards
And since I wanted to make sure I added some value to the box
1x ~20mw 405nm USB laser pointer (hastily made a few months ago, whoever takes it might want to build a slightly nicer case for it). Stick it on the end of a USB-B cable and enjoy. If focused it will burn through electrical tape/etc. Do not look into beam! I put it in the maxim sample box with the other sony ps3 optics deck parts.

I took:
1x large UPE capacitor
3x GE 5uf/400v caps
1x microwave oven cap
1x small air variable cap (hehe I have spent too long away from home I am suffering from withdrawal from caps...)
4x E45NK80ZD isotop MOSFETs (muhahahah)
3x small ancient transistors (I don't think I have seen transistors in a clear case, or with wire leads before!)
~20x 470r resistors (just the value I needed!)
1x toggle switch (new reset switch for my gps tracker board)
2x small lenses (one mounted for a CCD camera--just the thing for my ccd camera with a broken lens)
1x 20a breaker (I have a few projects that could use one of those)

1226640492 56 FT48923 Added

1226640588 56 FT48923 Open

1226640588 56 FT48923 Spread
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Chris Russell
Fri Nov 21 2008, 06:07AM
Chris Russell ... not Russel!
Registered Member #1 Joined: Thu Jan 26 2006, 12:18AM
Location: Tempe, Arizona
Posts: 1052

Rather than try to keep several lists updated, the list of participants will be kept on the map. Check the map to see who is participating, if you're interested. If you're not on this map, and you want to participate, send me a private message with your full name and mailing address. Don't post here or anywhere else. My time is limited, and I'm only using my private messages to coordinate the box. I can't skim threads as well.

For anyone concerned about privacy, note that placement on the map is rounded off at low precision, and the only person who will have your address is me, and the person before you on the list.

Note that the box is open to European members. The only requirement is that you'll be responsible for any import taxes, as well as shipping it off to the next person, who will most likely be in another country.
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Tue Nov 25 2008, 11:30PM
JimG Registered Member #52 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 04:22AM
Location: Austin TX
Posts: 57
The contents of the box when it arrived:

1227654279 52 FT48923 Contents Of Box

What I took:

1227654279 52 FT48923 What I Took

4x RURG8060 diodes
1x STTH200L06TV1 Turbo dual diode 600v 120a sot-227 minibrick package
2x geared motors
2x fairchild FOD2200 optoisolators (Dip package)
1x Microchip PIC18LF2550 (dip package)
1x 8inch by 10inch sheet of double sided copper clad for etching

What I added:

1227654279 52 FT48923 What I Added

2x Sprague 1800uF 450VDC capacitors with mounting hardware
1x pair of wire strippers
1x Electronic Goldmine flyback
1x Small spool of #38 magnet wire
4x IRFP450 mosfets
4x IRFP460 mosfets

I sent out the box crammed, to my best guess, with the following:

1x assorted bag of silicon
1x unknown toshiba control board
1x cell phone circuit board
1 neodyium magnet
2x optical module
1x single conversion fsk receiver
1x toshiba lcd controller
4x small lcd screen
1x large 3 pin power connector
2x small board w/random parts
30x 470 ohm resistors
1x flex cable w/ two motors
6 foot 4 conductor ribbon cable
1ft 1inchwide thermal strip
1x unknown photodiode module
1x box of led's
1x bag of random parts and thermal pads
1x motor w/reduction driver
2x oeG relay
1x 4.4uh conductor
1x led array
1x assorted ferrites and coils
1x 99.99% pure indium sample
1x vail of glow powder --I was also unable to locate this
1x small piece of pcb with 4hv etched on it
1x 11mbps wireless lan module
1x unknown black plastic module
3x piezo
4x lens
2x poly capacitors in bag
2x microswitch module
12x assorted zener diodes
1x small bag of random parts
1x small bag of many disc capacitors
1x answering machine controlboard sans a few parts
1x 2n3055 transistor in to-3 case -cant find this
1x h8512 transistor in to-3 case
2x ferrite noise chokes
1x to-3 socket
1x screw in 30 amp fuse
1x spool magnet wire unknown gage
1x db94 connector
1x ps2 to usb adapter
20x canadian brass screws
3x tl074 op amps
2x microswitches
1x fan motor core
1x transformer unknown voltage
1x package pic microcontrollers
1x broken AeapCB88 terminal node controller
2x CM600 igbt bricks
1x lcd 16x2 display new in bag
5x PIC 16F688s new in tube
2x 8inch by 10inch sheets of double sided copper clad for etching
4x UCC37322P 9a mosfet drivers(Dip package)
4x UCC37321P 9a mosfet drivers(Dip package)
5x UCC27425 dual mosfet drivers (DIP Package)
3x fairchild FOD2200 optoisolators (Dip package)
2x Microchip PIC18LF2550 (dip package)
3x Microchip PIC18F2550 (dip package)
7x HGTG27N120BN 1200v 72A IGBTs(to-247)
1x new in box 9pin male D-sub connector from radioshack
1x STTH200L06TV1 Turbo dual diode 600v 120a sot-227 minibrick package
4x to-247 heatsinks
6x IRFP250
3x T130-6 powdered iron cores (one is a little chipped) I would recommend about 200 turns on them for a mazzilli driver, one has 100 turns on it
2x aerovox AFPS (high current pulsed) series 3uf/450vdc caps
1x PF2125-ND 1.2uf 250v cap
10x uf4007 1A/1kv fast diodes
4x 583-R5000F-T 0.2A/5kv fast diodes
~20x 1n5240 10v zener didoes
2x K104a large mazzilli driver boards--these boards had some problems in the manufacturing process one has a big hole in the middle and one has a few missing traces
2x K104b small mazzilli driver boards, these ones are in decent shape but will require a bit of rework (not quite sellable but totally junkbox quality)
~9x medium ESD bags
~19x ESD warning stickers
a few Krazer 'business' cards
1x ~20mw 405nm USB laser pointer (hastily made a few months ago, whoever takes it might want to build a slightly nicer case for it). Stick it on the end of a USB-B cable and enjoy. If focused it will burn through electrical tape/etc. Do not look into beam! I put it in the maxim sample box with the other sony ps3 optics deck parts.
2x Sprague 1800uF 450VDC capacitors with mounting hardware
1x pair of wire strippers
1x Electronic Goldmine flyback
1x Small spool of #38 magnet wire
4x IRFP450 mosfets
4x IRFP460 mosfets
1 logbook

I used one of the anti-static bags and placed a couple of the more delicate looking circuit boards in it since they were just floating around inside the box.

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