Sun Sept 26 2010, 07:25PM
Registered Member #2981
Joined: Thu Jul 08 2010, 01:47PM
Location: Germany
Posts: 35
I've done some more simulations. It seems, in fact, that the circuit has an inherent stability problem. If the spark gap would fire at exactly 16680 V, the circuit seems to be stable from the power-turn-on. But even small deviations can lead to very large currents.
One possible alternative would be to make the static spark gap wider and cause the spark to begin with a trigger pulse (triggered spark gap). The primary oscillating circuit is connected with the DC voltage source via a series connection of an inductor and a diode. The cap will be charged to twice the supply voltage and the diode will prevent the energy from going back to the inductor. The current through the diode is now zero. The spark is started with a trigger pulse. Because the current through the inductor is zero, quenching is no problem (but while the spark gap is conducting the current will rise again; thus it is not exactly zero when the cap is discharged). However, I don't know how many BPS can be reached at most.
Such a circuit could also be useful if you want to use the SIDAC / IGBT spark gap of Terry Fritz. Consider a primary oscillating circuit with a series connection of some SIDAC / IGBT spark gap modules was connected to a nearly ideal DC voltage source only via an inductor (and no diode). If the spark gap fires at a voltage less than twice the DC supply voltage the voltage across the inductor has a positive time average and thus the current through the inductor will increase towards infinity (until something fails or the supply voltage breaks down). If the spark gap fires at more than twice the supply voltage it won't fire at all.
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