Alternative wire for Tesla Coil secondary?
Tue Sept 07 2010, 05:58AM
Registered Member #2416
Joined: Sun Oct 04 2009, 04:23AM
Location: Oceanside, CA
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Don't compromise, use magnet wire. This might be a bit overkill but You'll be able to wind a fair few medium sized secondaries with this.
The problem with TCs is that it's difficult to design everything before you've bought or found what you need. You'll have to tweak your design a bit depending on what you can get.
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Mads Barnkob
Tue Sept 07 2010, 08:02AM
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Xplorer wrote ... Don't compromise, use magnet wire. This might be a bit overkill but You'll be able to wind a fair few medium sized secondaries with this. The problem with TCs is that it's difficult to design everything before you've bought or found what you need. You'll have to tweak your design a bit depending on what you can get. -Tony There are cheaper and other/smaller quantities to be found on ebay:
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