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vladi mazzilli
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Registered Member #29
Joined: Fri Feb 03 2006, 09:00AM
Location: Hasselt, Belgium
Posts: 500
Hello all, Had my call sign ON9AWZ for a while but only recently got around to procuring an HF rig.
For the time being I am operating an ICOM 718 HF all mode transceiver through a v-dipole on my apartment terrace. I mainly operate on SSB on the 20 and 40 meter bands (given my antenna size limitations). Will get up and running at some point with PSK31 and CW (on the 30 m band as well).
Registered Member #96
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:37PM
Location: CI, Earth
Posts: 4062
Hi all. Not licensed yet, but am in the process of building a light rig. Seems that this approach can yield much longer distance QSOs than anything homebuilt, with cheap (£20) components.
Registered Member #43294
Joined: Mon Feb 24 2014, 06:40PM
Location: Near Walsall in the UK
Posts: 11
Hi all.
Noticed that there hadn't been any activity in this section for a while so I though I would say hello!
I love Morse Code (I listen to CW driving to and from work each day), and can normally be found shortwave listening around 80m, 40m, 30 & 20m in the CW portions.
I also collect Morse keys and Morse related items. I used to buy any and all keys, but these days I tend to just hang out for the more 'interesting' ones, maybe one-off copies or perhaps one-off hand made keys. I prefer straight keys normally, but I do have a few paddle keys and keyers lurking about the place.
When I do transmit I really enjoy QRP working, and I normally run about three watts or so into a trap loaded halo antenna. I prefer to use 'stealth' antennas, either in the attic space, or else low down outside (only a few feet above the ground).
I'm a member of the G-QRP Club in the UK, and the SKCC based in the US.
Registered Member #96
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:37PM
Location: CI, Earth
Posts: 4062
Just because, this is incredibly handy because adding small controlled amounts of noise to a system is a good way to gauge its immunity to interference.
Edit: Finally got my SDR to work!
Seems that many of the cheaper units lack the RFI filters found on expensive ones, these can be added with a minor track mod and an inline filter soldered in place. Also adding 0.1uF capacitors post filter to Gnd, extra cooling and other features such as fine tuning of clock xtal via varicap diode.
Registered Member #543
Joined: Tue Feb 20 2007, 04:26PM
Location: UK
Posts: 4992
Conundrum wrote ...
Edit: Finally got my SDR to work!
Seems that many of the cheaper units lack the RFI filters found on expensive ones, these can be added with a minor track mod and an inline filter soldered in place. Also adding 0.1uF capacitors post filter to Gnd, extra cooling and other features such as fine tuning of clock xtal via varicap diode.
In my experience USB powered SDRs are full of noise. I found it best to put the whole receiver and a battery to power it inside a shielded metal box so I could see how many of the spurious emissions and endless spikes were creeping in from the USB supply..
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