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Registered Member #2148
Joined: Tue Jun 02 2009, 02:22AM
Posts: 62
recently, im finding parts for my static gap but i ended up having a mini radiator from my old water cooled CPU, muffin fan, some hose, and a pump. suddenly i realize why not use this type of cooling with the spark gap using OIL not water.
heres what im thinking, i dont know how will it behave or how effective this might be but i wanna try it since the items is available so why not try experimenting lol. its a radiator cooled oil filled spark gap using 2 or more check valve made in brass removing the spring inside for a better flow of oil. any way here it is. WILL IT WORK?, well its just an IDEA just want it to share... schematic
edit: oh my i didnt know how to do the link arrow thingy...
Registered Member #477
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I don't see any immediate reason why such a thing wouldn't work, it's just overcomplicated. In addition, it only provides the cooling, and doesn't directly aid the quenching. I'd recommend looking at the "leaf blower" and "sucker" gap designs if you want active cooling/quenching in a static gap. Very easy to build, and very effective at low and even medium power levels.
Registered Member #15
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As Aaron stated, it probably would work, but is overcomplicated. The sucker air gap design is a highly proven design thats been around for decades.
Then again, the DRSSTC would have never been discovered if Steve or Jimmy listened to the regulars at the various Tesla forums who said it wasn't possible or dismissed it initially.
Registered Member #540
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Deionized water seems like a good idea because it has a very high specific heat and good thermal properties. It will only stay an insulator if it is deionized so I would try to avoid it contacting metals. I forget the name of the pump type but it just uses a flexible hose and some wheels to pump the water along.
Registered Member #1134
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Myke wrote ...
Deionized water seems like a good idea because it has a very high specific heat and good thermal properties. It will only stay an insulator if it is deionized so I would try to avoid it contacting metals. I forget the name of the pump type but it just uses a flexible hose and some wheels to pump the water along.
Peristaltic pump
You can find them in the small store counter coffee/tea dispensers, like in Asda/wal-mart. They are all piped with silicone hose too!
Registered Member #1526
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Mads Barnkob wrote ...
Fraggle wrote ...
Are you thinking oil for the resistivity? I suggest giving water a try first...
That would create a shortcircuit :)
Perhaps not, clean distilled water might be alright. The peristaltic pumps I`ve seen have low flow rates but if it`s not enough there are loads of all-plastic centrifugal pumps around. As stated above stuff that involves food and drink is the place to look - ice-machines are where I got mine.
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