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Registered Member #195
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" It was not working even b4 I put the "stain" on. It's not stain though, it's polyurethane stain mix. Where would you recommend I get my wire, I will buy it from a tried and tested source this time. I contacted the original source of my wire and sent a complaint about the poorly spooled wire, hopefully they will send me a new one free of charge, but ... I'm a bit doubtful. What do you mean by "add some capacitance" to your primary? Are you just referring to the tuning process? I started at turn 3 and little by little worked my way out. I found that I got sparks highest up on my secondary when tapped at turn 5. This makes little sense, because WinTesla calculated I would tap at turn 8-9. "
:1 the place I get wire is on ebay or your loacal electronics store :2 when you add capacitance to the primary the resonant frequency of the primary will go down. if you increase the number of turns the frequence goes down. "I found that I got sparks highest up on my secondary when tapped at turn 5." proves my point :3 others may disagree with me on this but moast tesla programs are only a guidline for setting up the tesla coil and no replacement for a mesured aproach.
When your primary system (ie. power source, capacitor, and primary) is resonant with the secondry (ie. secondary and toride) your cupling will be gratest. In larger tesla systems the secondary will be set up for a slightly higher frequency so that when an arc from the secondary happens the secondary half of the system will detune to a lower frequncy there by compinsating for the added capacitance of the spark witch has been described as 1pf per foot.
In your video it apears that you are using a spark gap system, a picture and a description of your power source would be helpful ie. power transformer and capacitor. your power source may not be able to supply the power for that coil. with about 3 neon transformers you should be able to make 2-3 foot sparks with the correct tuning. As you incease capacitance in your primary you will need more power for your system to keep up with the current incrase.
if you do serch on SGTC in the uper right of the page you should find plenty of threads to read
Registered Member #2153
Joined: Wed Jun 03 2009, 03:19PM
Posts: 69
Ok, i'm using one 12kv 30ma nst. and a string of 15 caps. If that helps. The coil is not actually that big, I just made the stand rather large to elevate the secondary.
Registered Member #1911
Joined: Mon Jan 05 2009, 06:30PM
Location: Salem, Oregon, USA
Posts: 165
And Jonathan, what are said capacitors in your primary circuit rated at? They are clearly suitable for the voltage, but are they homemade caps or are they manufactured? What is the individual capacitance? I take it that by 'fifteen in a string' you mean that they are all in series.
We need good, relevant information, Jonathan. We're the Geek Tech Support. ;)
Registered Member #2153
Joined: Wed Jun 03 2009, 03:19PM
Posts: 69
sorry I can't remember their ratings and I'm far from home right now. But a senior member told me which ones to buy for my design, so I'm sure they are suitable. they are manufactured poly film caps. each rated at 1.5 kv.
Registered Member #1911
Joined: Mon Jan 05 2009, 06:30PM
Location: Salem, Oregon, USA
Posts: 165
Then perhaps you should know your capacitance by heart or know a formula for finding resonant capacitance... I guess we'll put this thread off for a while. Let me know when the cobwebs are shaken off. ;)
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