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Registered Member #477
Joined: Tue Jun 20 2006, 11:51PM
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 546
You can edit posts, BTW; no need to double- or triple-post (it's against forum rules anyway).
That eBay NST is not the best. Really, you want one that doesn't have the GFCI (ground fault protection). Some people have gotten by with them, or else have managed to rip them apart and remove the GFCI. Better just to get one without.
Registered Member #2291
Joined: Thu Aug 13 2009, 08:36PM
Posts: 13
ok I wont post doubles any more, are you sure that is the problem? my caps are all good too, I just checked them and theyr at 13.58 nf, where could I find the RIGHT transformer?
Registered Member #2294
Joined: Fri Aug 14 2009, 06:54PM
Posts: 4
looks for coilers in your area, they might be able to give or sell you one. See if there is a NST manufacturer in your area, they probably won't be of any help but it's worth a shot. Look for old or broken neon signs at thrift/junk/antique stores. Craigslist and ebay (obviously).
Registered Member #180
Joined: Thu Feb 16 2006, 02:12AM
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 187
Just wait untill you get it and it will all make sense. The wiring is very simple. The two bolts sticking out of the big ceramic insulators would be the HV output, it will be center tapped meaning if the name plate says 10kV then you will have 5kV on each terminal with respect to ground. The ground connection will just be a screw in the case somwere, or possibly it might have its own terminal. And for 120V input there will be a smaller ceramic insulator, and two more bolts, those are hot and neutral.
Registered Member #2291
Joined: Thu Aug 13 2009, 08:36PM
Posts: 13
thanks, Ive got all of that, except the grounding, should I run a wire from the ground bolt, to an earth ground rod? also, when I am setting up my coil, is it ok to ground everything to one ground rod,( strike rail, safety gap, nst, secondary windings), or should I ground all of these components, or some of them separately?
Registered Member #2291
Joined: Thu Aug 13 2009, 08:36PM
Posts: 13
thanks, just one more question for now haha, how many ground rods should I use, should I ground everything to one, or should I ground different things to different poles, Im just wondering if a strike rail hit will send electricity into my transformer, or into my secondary windings, if I have them all to one pole. thanks
Registered Member #480
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Mike -
Two comments:
1. "Double posting" (two consecutive posts within 48 hours) is prohibited (see "Site Rules", at the LH margin of this page). If you have to add something to your post, use the "Edit Post" icon in the top right corner of your original post. This will open a new form where you can update your original post, add new questions or comments, correct errors, etc.
2. The questions you are asking about grounding have ALREADY been answered here, and in other Tesla coil forums, many, many times. For such simple, basic questions, you need to spend some of your own time doing your own basic research on the topic.
Search the 4HV.org archives (see link at LH side of page), and the archives of the Tesla Coil Mailing List (). You will find your answers there, and learn a lot more about Tesla coils while you are at it.
Registered Member #2291
Joined: Thu Aug 13 2009, 08:36PM
Posts: 13
I am sorry... my computer is terrible, it froze after I hit the send button, so I thought it didnt post, why is everybody so serious about double posting?
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