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Registered Member #30
Joined: Fri Feb 03 2006, 10:52AM
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
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R v.d. Tuuk wrote ...
o dam it's yellow :(
Well there's your problem then. Yellow toroid cores are made of iron powder, which is the wrong material for GDTs. This will cause the transformer to draw too much magnetizing current, overheating the gate drive chips.
Registered Member #30
Joined: Fri Feb 03 2006, 10:52AM
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Posts: 6706
Well the core in the top picture is obviously the wrong kind. It's not really obvious what the one in the bottom picture is made from: it's ferrite, but there are several grades of ferrite and not all of them are good for GDTs. However you might as well try it since you've got it.
Registered Member #289
Joined: Mon Mar 06 2006, 10:45AM
Location: Conroe, TX
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Ya, get the right core on there first
GDICs do run hot (80c) in some coils. Here are the determining factors: IC current rating, more specifically its Rds on, the higher the current the greater the losses in the part IC bypass capacitors, should be EVERYWHERE in your circuit, preferable solder right across the terminals Gate resistors, high values equal cooler parts but slower gate rise/fail times Gate capacitance, the higher Qg the higher the amount of power required to charge it Transformer core material, must be a good high perm core material FREQUENCY, ya, this is obvious, higher frequencies equal MUCH hotter parts. I try to keep my coils under 200KHz... Logic voltage, higher voltage means higher current, higher power, and hotter parts Use a series DC blocking cap, which out this your parts will likely just be dead.
Registered Member #1104
Joined: Tue Nov 06 2007, 07:38PM
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I have this same problem with my ucc's but for the most part I ignored it because my ferrite core was just some random one I found (for a choke). I later discovered that when there’s no power going to the bridge, the ucc’s get extremely hot (too hot to touch anyway). However when my bridge is powered, my ucc’s stay somewhat cool. Oh and I don’t use gate resistors … but I though that only affected the mosfets.
Registered Member #1951
Joined: Sun Feb 01 2009, 01:59PM
Posts: 105
i had the sstc working with the new gdt, it really gave better output i noticed. but then the whole thing stopped so i checked some stuf. and i blew a regulator? because the regulator was not really giving the 12 volts as it should. it only was giving 2 to 3 volts.
Registered Member #180
Joined: Thu Feb 16 2006, 02:12AM
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If your regulator was a Lm7812 or something like that then its possible that your UCC's overheated, or shorted, and what happens is the 7812 is only rated 1 amp, so when it tries to pull more it overheats and shuts itself off befor damage can be done. I've had this happen, try it now after its cooled down and it might still be good, it just shuts off when it overheats.
Registered Member #89
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Well, that's why I never use a regulator on gate drive IC's power supply. Just a transformer of around 10V AC output, rectified and filtered with a large capacitor works more than well enough. A few volts of ripple is no problem for gate drive, and other loads like fans as well. This greatly simplifies the design, and also saves a lot of power that would otherwise be wasted on the regulator.
Only drawback of this is that the UCC's are likely to blow up impressively when you short them - but I had them blow up anyway with a regulated power supply too. If you want to save them from such accidents, some sort of active protection system is needed.
To R v.d. Tuuk: I don't know what kind of wire did you use for your new GDT, but if it's enameled wire like in the first case, I'd strongly recommend to re-do the transformer with plastic insulated wire, such as from UTP cable. Enamel is rather easy to damage while winding it onto core, and windings could arc mutually or to core under high voltage stress.
Registered Member #1951
Joined: Sun Feb 01 2009, 01:59PM
Posts: 105
ah i see, i'll rewind the core then. as for the regulator. i'll try to get it to work again. anny way if not..... i may consider using a 10vac transformer. as marko sayed then i'll modify the board. but that is easy
litlle edit: yes it was the shut down meganism of the regulator. looks like it's back working again.
i think i am gonna put a little heatsink on it now. atleast until i have found a good transformer as supply.
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