Tesla coil and high voltage demonstration safety
Registered Member #1221
Joined: Wed Jan 09 2008, 06:17PM
Location: Odense, Denmark
Posts: 196
A short note on the pacemakers, I once heard on the news that some dude got shocked by his pacemaker in the shower because his washing machine wasnt grounded.
The dude then had a electrician find the problem and he measured a current of 3,5 milliampere from the nozzle to the drain. Aperantly the pacemaker had a defibrillator function (Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator) which got triggered and caused the shock.
I dont know if its of any use but there it is anyway.
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Registered Member #1734
Joined: Thu Oct 02 2008, 04:07PM
Location: Heemstede, Netherlands
Posts: 8
Under Venue Considerations, I was wondering what precautions should be taken against inducing EM and other noise/spikes into the venue's sound and/or lighting systems (a nightclub or stage production for instance). Are there ranges of fres which are more problematic than others? In venues or situations where EM noise could be a problem, what are the easiest methods of shielding the vulnerable systems?
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