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My first zvs attempt

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Move Thread LAN_403
Sat Mar 28 2009, 08:20PM Print
Zee Registered Member #877 Joined: Tue Jul 03 2007, 09:15PM
Posts: 21
Finally had the parts to put together my first zvs flyback as to join to "the group". :)

Not much but still an advancement from the first 2n3055 flyback. Maybe some of the parts are way overkill. Caps warm up a bit after a while of use but besides that it seems to be running cool.


And then the "live" results:

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Sat Mar 28 2009, 08:50PM
cjk2 Registered Member #51 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 04:17AM
Posts: 263
Nicely done.

Pictures should be 400px (or is it 450px?) wide, you will want to resize them or use thumbnails.
Youtube is also nice for hosting videos, I think you will find that fewer people watch your videos when they have to download the AVI rather than simply going to youtube.

What voltage are you running at?
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Sat Mar 28 2009, 08:59PM
theju Registered Member #1445 Joined: Tue Apr 15 2008, 01:25PM
Location: Germany
Posts: 24
nice work, but i would use shorter connections to the flyback transformer

and the capacitor is suboptimal, you should replace it with a mkp10 or fkp type
then it won´t heat up :P
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Sat Mar 28 2009, 09:02PM
Tonskulus Registered Member #1223 Joined: Thu Jan 10 2008, 04:32PM
Posts: 133
Haha, i knew you are from Finland. I recognized you out of those components (trafox, muuntosähkö oy transformer).

Anyway, welcome!
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Sat Mar 28 2009, 09:19PM
Zee Registered Member #877 Joined: Tue Jul 03 2007, 09:15PM
Posts: 21
Changed the images into links... Have to check the youtube option too. I have an account there but never uploaded any vids.


Hah, seems the brand is quite familiar. :)
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Sat Mar 28 2009, 11:01PM
Myke Registered Member #540 Joined: Mon Feb 19 2007, 07:49PM
Location: MIT
Posts: 969
Nice work. I like the compactness of the driver. If you add more filter capacitance then you will get rid of the humming when you draw the arc. What are the ratings on your supply?

theju wrote ...

nice work, but i would use shorter connections to the flyback transformer

and the capacitor is suboptimal, you should replace it with a mkp10 or fkp type
then it won´t heat up :P
I agree. You should either use more caps and make a small MMC bank or get a better cap that can handle more power so it doesn't heat up at higher powers.
Why should he shorten the connections to the flyback? Stray inductance in series with the flyback's primary doesn't affect the operation of the driver that much. I think that keeping the stry inductance between the caps and the MOSFETs are more important.
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Sat Mar 28 2009, 11:35PM
3l3ctrici7y Registered Member #1806 Joined: Sun Nov 09 2008, 04:58AM
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Youtube sucks, they transcode, and downsample whatever you upload into that crap flv format. Now, more recently, they support mp4, but it is still transcoding what you upload; with the inherent quality reduction... caused by the transcoding. I'll take a file that is the direct output of the thing that took the video in the first place over a mangled yousuck video any day!
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Sat Mar 28 2009, 11:42PM
theju Registered Member #1445 Joined: Tue Apr 15 2008, 01:25PM
Location: Germany
Posts: 24
the long connection means more losses cause of higher resistance :P

that the inductiance doesn´t effect is true
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Wed Apr 01 2009, 04:35PM
Zee Registered Member #877 Joined: Tue Jul 03 2007, 09:15PM
Posts: 21
cjk2 wrote ...

What voltage are you running at?

Myke wrote ...

Nice work. I like the compactness of the driver. If you add more filter capacitance then you will get rid of the humming when you draw the arc. What are the ratings on your supply?

I agree. You should either use more caps and make a small MMC bank or get a better cap that can handle more power so it doesn't heat up at higher powers.

Transformer is 230V 180VA on the primary side, 2x12V on the secondary. Other than that, difficult to say. I propably didn't pay enough attention while in school to understand all the powerfactor stuff.

Measuring from the rectifier section the output is 16VDC when idle and 12.5VDC when drawing arcs.

And replacing the cap would do. Even seems to warm up when sitting idle. But the filtering is ok as is. I like the humming arc. Sounds like electricity. :)

So far been nice for taking photos of sparks. http://oms.wmhost.com/pics/30kV/overclocked_1.jpg
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Wed Apr 01 2009, 05:40PM
Arcstarter Registered Member #1225 Joined: Sat Jan 12 2008, 01:24AM
Location: Beaumont, Texas, USA
Posts: 2253
Better filtering will indeed increase power throughput and give you thicker arcs. It seems it can also reduce flyback heating. The driver looks good :). I cannot view the video *murmurs something about windows media player*.
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