Tesla Coils on TV show in Italy........ again!
Registered Member #2028
Joined: Mon Mar 16 2009, 08:13PM
Location: Norway
Posts: 319
Why? We was "selected volounteer" exactly as the other competitors, all of them were a true hobbyst, no one had fully understood why they were in that place and nobody cares about television, we simply played with coils (as other competitors played with their hobbies) and probably if something gone spoiled would make the show more spectacular with sparks and smoke! Well, preparing a show and rigging up a lot of home-made electronic HV equipment in such a short time leaves plenty room for errors. Especially without any testruns. And at least if i was the one supposed to do this in front of a live audience nervousness would definately be a factor
3 minutes, that is just stupid. How would a 3 min long arcattack consert work? woo, party party. This is way too much like Eurovision Song Contest for my liking. It would be a lot better if they made 6 inividual episodes, spending the full 30 minutes on each hobby.
But you and your team did a great job though, i think you represented coilers wery well.
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