Other use for my SGTC? (URGENT!)
Registered Member #1225
Joined: Sat Jan 12 2008, 01:24AM
Location: Beaumont, Texas, USA
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In this case, mapp gas could be a winner :). It burns hotter than regular propane. With my mapp gas torch i can get metal red. It is just a small torch, so it take awhile to heat a large piece of metal. A tank of mapp gas cost me about 8USD from a local hardware store.
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Registered Member #1772
Joined: Tue Oct 21 2008, 05:23AM
Location: Athens, OH
Posts: 71
Yeah, I guess I'll take your advice and not waste my time on it. I'll see what I can do with multiple propane torches or maybe the mapp gas. Thanks a lot!
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