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4hv.org :: Forums :: Tesla Coils
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"MMI 1" - New DRSSTC

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Sun Feb 08 2009, 10:30AM
tesla500 Registered Member #347 Joined: Sat Mar 25 2006, 08:26AM
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Update - I've gotten several PMs asking for the gerbers. I've attached all the design info in a zip file, including schematcs and PCBs in pdf, the Altium Designer Summer 08 project, and gerbers. If you want the project in some other format, don't hesitate to ask, I'll see what I can export it to.

Do note that there are a couple of errors as there usually are on a first run of boards. The gate drive voltage pot on the control board is wired wrong, so the gate drive voltage regulator setting is fixed with a resistor. On the inverter board, the terminal strips that the IGBTs connect to are about 0.4mm too narrow, so the leads need to be bent a little bit to fit. No terminal strips are available that fit the IGBTs perfectly.


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Sun Feb 08 2009, 01:05PM
GeordieBoy Registered Member #1232 Joined: Wed Jan 16 2008, 10:53PM
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Looking at the pictures I'd say you definitely need to keep some low ESR electrolytics right at the PFC converter. Stray inductance in the MOSFET/diode/output cap loop of a PFC circuit needs to be kept extremely low to prevent voltage spikes when the MOSFET turns off. I'm suprised you didn't blow the switching transistor from over voltage by putting the electrolytics at the end of flying leads!

The Inrush-bypass diode is definitely a good idea. If you make this a beefy conventional silicon diode it will also likely protect the PFC stage in the event of a DC bus short if the inverter fails.

> This PFC should be good to about 12A mains draw from 120V to 240V now.

It will likely power limit at slightly more than the original design power because the voltage loop will run out of headroom, that is what normally happens. Even though all components can stand the voltages associated with 240V operation, and the currents associated with 110V operation, the control loop often cannot make this combination of voltage and current available at the same time without being modified.

I successfully modified an active PFC stage from a 150W PSU to deliver 1500W in a SSTC application, but I think I had to change about 22 individual things to get there!

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Sun Feb 08 2009, 08:16PM
tesla500 Registered Member #347 Joined: Sat Mar 25 2006, 08:26AM
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GeordieBoy wrote ...

Looking at the pictures I'd say you definitely need to keep some low ESR electrolytics right at the PFC converter. Stray inductance in the MOSFET/diode/output cap loop of a PFC circuit needs to be kept extremely low to prevent voltage spikes when the MOSFET turns off. I'm suprised you didn't blow the switching transistor from over voltage by putting the electrolytics at the end of flying leads!

I did have a 100uF cap placed where the original caps were on the PCB to handle the fast spikes. I took a look at the current through the wires between that cap and the external caps (440uF), and it seems most of the ripple is being handled by the external caps, but the high frequency components that the 100uF cap had to handle were making it get quite hot.

Here's a shot of the current through the wires between the 100uF cap on the PCB and the 440uF external cap, 4A/div

1234123802 347 FT63284 Pfc Op Current

GeordieBoy wrote ...

> This PFC should be good to about 12A mains draw from 120V to 240V now.

It will likely power limit at slightly more than the original design power because the voltage loop will run out of headroom, that is what normally happens. Even though all components can stand the voltages associated with 240V operation, and the currents associated with 110V operation, the control loop often cannot make this combination of voltage and current available at the same time without being modified.

I successfully modified an active PFC stage from a 150W PSU to deliver 1500W in a SSTC application, but I think I had to change about 22 individual things to get there!

I took a look at the control loop, and there seems to be lots of headroom in this design, I calculate about a 12A max draw at 240V based on what the voltage loop can demand.

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Sun Feb 08 2009, 09:40PM
GeordieBoy Registered Member #1232 Joined: Wed Jan 16 2008, 10:53PM
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For PFC design I normally work on the basis of 1uF per watt of power when the DC bus voltage is 400V. This capacitance can be split equally between the PFC output and the inverter input with a common-mode choke in between. For 12A draw off 240VAC that works out at about 1400uF at the PFC output, and another 1400uF across the DC bus at the inverter. A single 100uF electrolytic right at the PFC is almost certainly unable to support the ripple if you've loaded it up to nearly 3kW.

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Mon Feb 09 2009, 08:25AM
tesla500 Registered Member #347 Joined: Sat Mar 25 2006, 08:26AM
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Well, I've had my first IGBT failure, while trying the coil out at higher bus voltages. I had no problems running up to about 350V, the problem occurred the first firing at 395V. I was running about a 75-100uS burst with a peak current of maybe 600-700A. I'm not sure if the IGBTs started the failure, one of the bus caps had its leads vaporized and was sent flying.

1234166438 347 FT63284 Blown Cap

There appears to be arcing between bus + (lower pad on capacitor) and the half bridge output (top layer):

1234166438 347 FT63284 Blown Cap Closeup

I'm not quite sure if the IGBTs failed first, or the cap. Only two IGBTs failed, both on the negative leg of the H bridge, the same side as the capacitor failure. The remaining bus caps recharged after the loud bang, no fuses blew, and no IGBT cases cracked. I was also [luckily not] shocked that the failed cap still had voltage on it after cutting it open! I don't see any damage inside the cap, it appears only the leads were blown off.

1234166438 347 FT63284 73v

I've got two theories how the failure occurred.

1: High voltage and high dv/dt on the bridge output caused tracking and an arc between the bridge output and bus +. The arc continued and vaporized the leads on one of the capacitors, and the high current through the IGBTs caused the low side ones to fail.

2: A weakened lead on one capacitor breaks under high current, causing an arc. This arc continues and makes its way between bus + and bridge output, and the high current causes the low side IGBTs to fail short circuit.

In either case, once the IGBT's gates have short circuited to ground, the gate driver shouldn't be able to drive the gates high on opposite leg's IGBTs, so shoot through doesn't cause a massive failure of all the IGBTs in that side of the H bridge. If this is the case, an initial IGBT failure shouldn't be able to cause massive shoot through current on the bus caps, so I can't see that causing a cap to blow up.

Any other ideas/insight?

GeordieBoy wrote ...

For PFC design I normally work on the basis of 1uF per watt of power when the DC bus voltage is 400V. This capacitance can be split equally between the PFC output and the inverter input with a common-mode choke in between. For 12A draw off 240VAC that works out at about 1400uF at the PFC output, and another 1400uF across the DC bus at the inverter. A single 100uF electrolytic right at the PFC is almost certainly unable to support the ripple if you've loaded it up to nearly 3kW.


These chargers run much smaller bus caps, about 0.4uF/W. I think that's because there's no hold up time requirement, the only limits are ripple rating and heating. I've got the original 440uF worth of caps back in the PFC stage now.

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Mon Feb 09 2009, 11:27AM
GeordieBoy Registered Member #1232 Joined: Wed Jan 16 2008, 10:53PM
Location: Doon tha Toon!
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The voltage and dv/dt produced at the output of a 400V IGBT bridge is not sufficient to initiate breakdown of FR4 laminate. Flyback SMPSUs with reflected voltages in the high hundreds of volts typically only use a few millimetres of creapage distance over similar material without any problems.

If there are traces of carbon tracking then it is probably a common-mode noise problem between the DC bus and mains earth. Do you have common-mode capacitors from DC bus - to earth and DC bus + to earth?

My theory for the dramatic failure would be this:

One of the 400V electrolytics developed an internal short, (395V is too close to the 400V rated voltage, especially when you consider that the capacitors are likely being thrashed in terms of their RMS current ripple rating too. Are they new devices or pulls from old equipment?) The remaining bank of paralleled capacitors discharged into the shorted component fusing its connecting leads and sending it flying across the room.

Were you running the coil from the active PFC pre-converter when the failure occured? The output voltage of an active PFC pre-converters is only semi-regulated, and the voltage loop has a sluggish response time. When an active PFC stage is presented with a pulsed load on the DC bus it wouldn't be uncommon for the bus voltage to sag and then overshoot considerably after each "bang" of the DRSSTC. The bus caps are usually rated at 450VDC for a 380VDC boost voltage and the over-voltage trip should be set around 425.

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Mon Feb 09 2009, 06:13PM
tesla500 Registered Member #347 Joined: Sat Mar 25 2006, 08:26AM
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GeordieBoy wrote ...

If there are traces of carbon tracking then it is probably a common-mode noise problem between the DC bus and mains earth. Do you have common-mode capacitors from DC bus - to earth and DC bus + to earth?

I do have a 22nF cap from bus - to ground. Early on I had the ground fall off and cause some arcing between the heatsink and somewhere under the board, as the secondary base current found the easiest path to ground through the mains. I added the cap at that point, and didn't have any problem until now.

GeordieBoy wrote ...

My theory for the dramatic failure would be this:

One of the 400V electrolytics developed an internal short, (395V is too close to the 400V rated voltage, especially when you consider that the capacitors are likely being thrashed in terms of their RMS current ripple rating too. Are they new devices or pulls from old equipment?) The remaining bank of paralleled capacitors discharged into the shorted component fusing its connecting leads and sending it flying across the room.

These are new caps. I thought about an internal short too, but discounted it when I found that the failed cap still held a charge. Could a short circuit blow itself clear and let the cap still hold a charge? I'll unroll the failed cap later and see if there's evidence of an internal short.

GeordieBoy wrote ...

Were you running the coil from the active PFC pre-converter when the failure occured? The output voltage of an active PFC pre-converters is only semi-regulated, and the voltage loop has a sluggish response time. When an active PFC stage is presented with a pulsed load on the DC bus it wouldn't be uncommon for the bus voltage to sag and then overshoot considerably after each "bang" of the DRSSTC. The bus caps are usually rated at 450VDC for a 380VDC boost voltage and the over-voltage trip should be set around 425.

It was running off a variac at the time.

This battery charger has 400V rated bus caps, so they're pushing the ratings too.

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Tue Feb 10 2009, 03:13AM
tesla500 Registered Member #347 Joined: Sat Mar 25 2006, 08:26AM
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 106

I unrolled the blown capacitor, and it didn't fail internally. There's no sign whatsoever of internal breakdown.

I really need a digital scope so I can see what happens during the failure...

1234234980 347 FT63284 Cap Unrolled
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Mon Feb 16 2009, 06:41AM
tesla500 Registered Member #347 Joined: Sat Mar 25 2006, 08:26AM
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I think I may have a lead on the cause of the failure. I notice that at high primary currents, the hi to lo transition of H bridge output '1' is being delayed significantly This delay doesn't occur when the primary current is low. The delay is shown in the scope shots below:

Setup: 200VDC bus, no secondary, 90uS burst length
1: H bridge side 1 output WRT bus (-)
2: H bridge side 1 low side IGBT gate vs. ground WRT bus (-)
3: H bridge side 2 output vs. ground WRT bus (-)
4: Primary current, 200A/div

Overview of burst, ~650A peak:
1234764647 347 FT63284 Scope 11

Side 1 hi to low transition, delayed 150ns from side 2. The slew rate of the transition also looks slower on side 1 compared to side 2. Also, the miller plateau lasts for less than 100nS, while the plateau on the other side (not shown) lasts about 200nS:
1234764647 347 FT63284 Scope 12

Side 1 lo to hi transition. Much better matched with side 2:
1234764647 347 FT63284 Scope 13

I've checked that every gate resistor and diode is fine, and all the gate drive transformer outputs have the same drive capability of 4A peak driving a short circuit. This delay doesn't appear on the other side of the H bridge, which is for the most part a mirror image of the problem side. I'm doubtful the problem is due to layout given the other side is fine.

The only thing I can think of that would cause this delay is a damaged TVS. I'm using bi-directional TVSs to stop the TVS diode from taking any current that should be handled by the IGBT anti-parallel diodes. If one of the two anti-series diodes in the TVS went short circuit, then perhaps the freewheeling current would be handled by the slow TVS, and the slow reverse recovery is holding the side 1 voltage high.

Does this theory sound reasonable, or am I completely barking up the wrong tree?

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Mon Feb 16 2009, 06:33PM
Tom540 Banned on 3/17/2009.
Registered Member #487 Joined: Sun Jul 09 2006, 01:22AM
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I think it sounds reasonable to me. Ive actually damaged an IGBT's gate that caused it to act weird very much like what you're describing. It wouldn't blow the 5 amp fuse and the coil still worked but just not very well.
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