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Audio Modulated Flyback Circuit HELP

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Move Thread LAN_403
Sun Feb 01 2009, 08:35AM Print
fatboyslim Registered Member #1779 Joined: Sat Oct 25 2008, 11:05AM
Posts: 32

i was wanting to build the following circuit but am unsure about a couple of things.

1. Where does the number 3 pin connect from the 555 chip?
2. Am i able to substitute another MOSFET instead of the current one shown in the schematics.

Hope someone can help me PLEASE!


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Sun Feb 01 2009, 09:08AM
Arcstarter Registered Member #1225 Joined: Sat Jan 12 2008, 01:24AM
Location: Beaumont, Texas, USA
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Yes, you may use different mosfets. And what do you mean by pin 3? If you are asking what it does, it is the 555 output. Just make sure the mosfet is rated many times over the flyback power supply voltage, and quite a bit more current.

And please change your pic size, it is quite annoying :P.
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Mads Barnkob
Sun Feb 01 2009, 09:45AM
Mads Barnkob Registered Member #1403 Joined: Tue Mar 18 2008, 06:05PM
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Look at google for 555 pinout if you need the pin number, or look its datasheet up at Link2 look for NE555.

I think the rule of thumb with single mosfet flyback drivers is to use one that can handle 10x the input voltage. Its nescesary to handle reverse voltage spikes.

Another thing, deep linking from my homepage pisses my host off, so if you could download the schematics instead and upload them to the forum, it would be great :)

I'm currently working on a revised version of that article that will cover some more questions.
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Dr. Dark Current
Sun Feb 01 2009, 09:57AM
Dr. Dark Current Registered Member #152 Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 03:36PM
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If you use 10 ohm gate resistor, the FET will possibly heat less. It works even with no resistor at all.

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Sun Feb 01 2009, 04:12PM
MRacerxdl Registered Member #989 Joined: Sat Sept 08 2007, 02:15AM
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Yeah, the resistor limits the gate current, with higher oscilating frequency setted at 555, more current the mosfet gate will drawn, and that can blow the 555. the gate limits the current to I = V / R (I think that applies for that)
so I = V / R => I = 12 / 10 = 1,2A, for 50 Ohm => 12 / 50 = 240mA
for low frequency the mosfet gate wont draw much, but I killed much 555 driving direct the gate.
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Sun Feb 01 2009, 07:34PM
Myke Registered Member #540 Joined: Mon Feb 19 2007, 07:49PM
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The MOSFET gate doesn't have any resistive connection to the drain and source. It's all capacitive. So you would use I=V/R where the resistance is the impedance of the capacitance of the gate (Z=1/(2piFC)) plus the gate resistor. That current shouldn't go over what the 555 can supply. If it does, you get smoke (or just a hot 555 if it doesn't die).

With a higher gate resistance, it takes longer for the gate to charge causing the MOSFET to spend more time in the non-saturation region. In the non-saturation region of operation, the MOSFET has more resistance than completely on and less than completely off. The current flowing through the MOSFET at this time is turned into heat so that's why you want to minimize that time.

I hope I got that right and said it in an understandable way...
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Dr. Dark Current
Sun Feb 01 2009, 08:20PM
Dr. Dark Current Registered Member #152 Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 03:36PM
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Note that the gate driver only has to supply current peaks. The popular UCC drivers are "9A" drivers, and they would surely smoke if you tried to draw that continuously.

The 555 can probably supply an amp or two of peak current, and I have never observed any oscillations on the gate resulting from its direct connection to the 555.

The dissipation in the gate drive is calculated as P=C*V^2*f, where C is your gate capacitance, V is the voltage to which you charge it and f is frequency.
As an example, running IRFP250 MOSFET on a 555 at 20kHz, results in around 0.008W of dissipation.

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Mon Feb 02 2009, 03:15AM
fatboyslim Registered Member #1779 Joined: Sat Oct 25 2008, 11:05AM
Posts: 32
Thanks for that. What i meant about Pin 3 was that in the circuit it connects to a resistor and then to where. I thought mosfets had 3 pins. The resistor from pin 3 does not connect to anywhere i know.
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Dr. Dark Current
Mon Feb 02 2009, 07:02AM
Dr. Dark Current Registered Member #152 Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 03:36PM
Location: Czech Rep.
Posts: 3384
fatboyslim wrote ...

Thanks for that. What i meant about Pin 3 was that in the circuit it connects to a resistor and then to where. I thought mosfets had 3 pins. The resistor from pin 3 does not connect to anywhere i know.
Yes they do have 3 pins, the "bottom two" ones are usually connected together and called Source. The resistor connects to Gate and primary to Drain.

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Mon Feb 02 2009, 10:11AM
Electroholic Registered Member #191 Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 02:01AM
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fatboyslim wrote ...

Thanks for that. What i meant about Pin 3 was that in the circuit it connects to a resistor and then to where. I thought mosfets had 3 pins. The resistor from pin 3 does not connect to anywhere i know.

Ah, i see what ur missing.

thats just the symbol for a mosfet, the line on the left is the gate. and the gate is insulated form the rest of the silicon, so its a line leading to nowhere.
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