Tesla coil output voltage
Registered Member #1739
Joined: Fri Oct 03 2008, 10:05AM
Location: Moscow, Russia
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MOT_man wrote ...
Output voltage on Tesla secondary =
input voltage via transformer peak (sqrd root) X secondary inductance (mH)/ primary inductance (uH) Wrong - you are calculating it via a generic step-up transformer method unapplicable here due to not counting any resonant effects in.MOT_man wrote ... I have yet to see a volt meter accurately measure the output of a Tesla Coil - I doubt one exists.
Hehe one does :P An antenna-based scope input does the job for you, you only have to either calculate the startup peak voltage based on the above theoretical calculation like one from the first post or do an either geometry-based or measurement-based capacity calculations in order to get the ratio of the capacitive divider you get here, the only problem is that the spark geometry itself affects the result a bit.
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Registered Member #1127
Joined: Mon Nov 19 2007, 12:08AM
Posts: 139
okay - this formula was passed on to me by "tesla down-under" - as well, a physics prof recommended it as well. Do you have a better way to calculate? If so ... pass it along
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