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Registered Member #154
Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 04:28PM
Location: Westmidlands, UK
Posts: 260
Dr. GigaVolt wrote ...
The HFBR have a max. rated continuous current and pulsed current. MAKE SURE you don't exceed these currents with the signals you are driving. You may need to modify resistor values (i.e. the 56 ohms) to ensure compliance to the max. ratings.
Never follow someone elses schematic or design blindly. Be sure to understand what every component does and if its rated properly. By taking the extra time to learn the circuit's in's and out's you not only become more knowledgeable, but you also ensure that your circuit will run properly and reliably.
According to the data sheets of your selected transmitter, it has a max forward voltage of 2.09 volts and around 100mA of F current for drive. perhaps the calculated chosen resistor value is too low? causing too much current to blow your transmitter......which ain't cheap!
Registered Member #1828
Joined: Sat Nov 29 2008, 03:00PM
Posts: 55
I'm only seeing 165 mv DC and 65ma peak across CR54 using a Fluke 85 III. Does this sound right? I believe that the stray voltage from the coil (noise) is what is blowing the transmitter. But then again I haven't blown any of the other diodes.
Am I measuring this right? Does it look safe to put the transmitter in?
Registered Member #1524
Joined: Sun Jun 08 2008, 05:25PM
Location: Grand Junction, Colorado
Posts: 38
I have started to use a yamaha keyboard but the output needed amplified a little.
Now after playing a few notes I find really good operation of the xenosonic however I also find the VU scale sort of gets stuck at the top and there is a strange 24Hz tick on the output of the xenosonic.
I can place a ground on the audio + input momentarily and the VU resets and the tick is removed.
I found no signal at the U4 555 triger but the output has that same 24Hz tick. Why would the 555 U4 have an output with no triger input, and why would grounding the +audio in signal remove it?
Registered Member #3069
Joined: Thu Aug 05 2010, 04:43AM
Posts: 1
Hello Dan and all here! Just received my Xenosonic modulator. Cut out solder board, front panel, bored LED holes, mounted dip sockets...I'm all ready for components but i didn't receive a schematic or parts list with the code for the board. Kind of disappointed there was not documentation at all. I've printed off the manual on the retail page at Eastern but that is just some pictures and basics. I'm ready to go and have time off work for a couple day to assemble and test. Are there links any where online where I can download list and schematic? I found a page on scribd.com that has dead links to parts list and schematic. If anyone can point me the right way or could possibly email their copy that would be awesome. If I have to wait for snail mail i will be disappointed.
Thanks in advance. Looking forward to resonating here in the future!
[Edit] Dan was fast and had them to me the very same day! Nice work Dan! Thanks [/Edit]
Registered Member #1848
Joined: Sat Dec 06 2008, 03:24AM
Posts: 15
Folks, I finished my xenosonc build today.. and am struggling a bit to make sense of the tuning instructions. I'm using a signal generator with a 500 Hz sine wave.. (and another music source just for testing.) I'm able to get the LED VU meter display to work just fine. but I'm not getting anything off the envelope display. .. I looked at this forum and realized that I too had reversed the 336 Zener / (the trace on the board seems to indicate the incorrect orientation...relative to the schematic.. which I believe to be correct. I I suspect it was a different package in the past.. Anyway.. I'm unable to adjust the gain pot (r3) high enough to get pin 5 of U4 above about 5.5 volts.. even with as much as 14 V p-p input from my signal generator. I've checked and rechecked all component placement and solder connections up to that point.. any suggestions on how to proceed ? What would really help me would be a set of waveforms at various places that I could check.. ie. what am I looking for at the output of the device.. Thanks for any suggestions -jc
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