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Registered Member #1828
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That's my problem, I am not seeing anything at the receiver. I am trying to figure out where the problem is. Is the receiver/circuit bad, is it the transmitter? I looked at the transmitter in a dark room, no luck, I also tried looking with a ccd camera in case it was IR, and with zoom. When the other board gets here, I'll have something else to try with.
Registered Member #15
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
Posts: 3068
d20180 wrote ...
That's my problem, I am not seeing anything at the receiver. I am trying to figure out where the problem is. Is the receiver/circuit bad, is it the transmitter? I looked at the transmitter in a dark room, no luck, I also tried looking with a ccd camera in case it was IR, and with zoom. When the other board gets here, I'll have something else to try with.
How are you driving the transmitter? You might also want to diode check the transmitter to ensure you didn't blow out the diode. The 56 series diode gives you about 130mA pulse current for the transmitter, but if you run at large duty cycles or CW (DC) you'll easily blow the diode.
Registered Member #1828
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Posts: 55
Well, no stereo yet. I still haven't had any luck with the optic interface. But here is some video with both coils running off the same signal. The Xeno display is set in dot mode, but the feedback is lighting the leds.
Registered Member #15
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
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Very nice. Thats sweet!
BTW, if you are referring to noise as those "popping" noises in the audio, thats more than likely beating frequencies of both coils interacting with each other. Both coils will not operate at the exact frequency, and the difference will usually end up as feedback (atypical in CW coils) or a "beating" feedback as what sounds like there.
If thats the problem, than fiber optics aren't going to solve that problem.
Do you still get that noise with only a single coil running?
Registered Member #1828
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Posts: 55
I got the circuit partially built and working on the receiver end.(I can get a change of state with a flashlight.) But I am out of transmitters. I burned both of them out on the Xeno. What do I need to do, or look for to avoid this. (right now I am thinking that when I am running it with the BNC output that the feedback/noise on the bnc is blowing the diode. (BTW, FYI to anyone reading, the transmitter is IR, so you can't see it with your eyes. When I get the other I will try a CCD Camera.) I am feeding the Xeno with MIDI files converted to mp3 with a mp3 player.
On the IXYS igbt's are they as robust a the HGT's? I have blown both sets of IXYS's on the one coil,(I need to double check the current limiting circuit) the other coil with the HGT's will do anything. Do I need to set anything differently with the IXYS's? looking at the data sheets one is rated at 300 the other at 75
Registered Member #15
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
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d20180 wrote ...
I got the circuit partially built and working on the receiver end.(I can get a change of state with a flashlight.) But I am out of transmitters. I burned both of them out on the Xeno. What do I need to do, or look for to avoid this. (right now I am thinking that when I am running it with the BNC output that the feedback/noise on the bnc is blowing the diode. (BTW, FYI to anyone reading, the transmitter is IR, so you can't see it with your eyes. When I get the other I will try a CCD Camera.) I am feeding the Xeno with MIDI files converted to mp3 with a mp3 player.
On the IXYS igbt's are they as robust a the HGT's? I have blown both sets of IXYS's on the one coil,(I need to double check the current limiting circuit) the other coil with the HGT's will do anything. Do I need to set anything differently with the IXYS's? looking at the data sheets one is rated at 300 the other at 75
HFBR1412's are not IR. If the output is constant, it is easily visible.
Treat the IXYS IGBTs and Fairchild IGBTs as equals. If you're blowing IGBTs, then your current limits aren't set properly, or your system may not be tuned properly as well. Did you do a full tuning study (arc length, vs. peak primary current vs. input voltage)?
Set your current limits purposely low at first so they are tripping quite a bit. Also, if you find yourself blowing IGBTs, then also lower your input variac voltage to throttle it down a bit. Remember, those IGBTs are being run waaaaayyy over their rated limits to begin with, so its important to not push them too hard.
Registered Member #1828
Joined: Sat Nov 29 2008, 03:00PM
Posts: 55
Sorry, I thought 820nm was not visible IR.
HFBR1412's are not IR. If the output is constant, it is easily visible.
HFBR-14x2/14x4 Low-Cost High- Speed Transmitters Description The HFBR-14xx fiber optic transmitter contains an 820 nm AlGaAs emitter capable of efficiently launching optical power into four different optical fiber sizes: 50/125 μm, 62.5/125 μm, 100/140 μm, and 200 μm HCS®.
Registered Member #154
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You have blown two HFBR1412 optical transmitters? If i remember right, Dan's circuit is just a UCC 37... driver ic and a couple of coupling components driving the transmitter from a 9 volt supply? The signal is shared between the UCC input and the BNC output, so if its working ok at the BNC output and the UCC circuit is ok...it should work ok. Perhaps as stated....by over driving it with a continuous signal will have an effect on the transmitter's performance.
Registered Member #1828
Joined: Sat Nov 29 2008, 03:00PM
Posts: 55
Ok, I got the transmitters in today, but something got crossed up. (probably me) They are hfbr-1414z which is the high power leadfree version. This shouldn't effect anything except being able to control it over a longer distance/higher data rate? As far as using it with a continuous signal, what do you mean exactly? I haven't jumpered anything or fed it a straight voltage. Just audio/midi files through the xeno input. The one I have been using for testing is a 500hz audio file. I am going to test all the components from the ucc37322 on. (last time I looked I could see the signal at the cr54 diode just before the transmitter.
Registered Member #15
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
Posts: 3068
The HFBR have a max. rated continuous current and pulsed current. MAKE SURE you don't exceed these currents with the signals you are driving. You may need to modify resistor values (i.e. the 56 ohms) to ensure compliance to the max. ratings.
Never follow someone elses schematic or design blindly. Be sure to understand what every component does and if its rated properly. By taking the extra time to learn the circuit's in's and out's you not only become more knowledgeable, but you also ensure that your circuit will run properly and reliably.
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