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Registered Member #15
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
Posts: 3068
d20180 wrote ...
I finally found some hfbr-1412t and 2412t's.
What do I need to use to connect the 2412t to the mini brute?
Is there a schematic or parts list somewhere?
You'll need an adapter box. Basically, the output of the HFBR 2412 (receiver) is an open collector. Using that, you'll have to interface with the modulator input. The datasheet should have some examples. Just be sure the polarity is correct (you may need an additional stage?) otherwise, if its inverted, you'll blow your drsstc sky high.
Registered Member #1828
Joined: Sat Nov 29 2008, 03:00PM
Posts: 55
There are 2 examples in the data sheets. But this is all way beyond my skill level. The only electronic project I had worked on before the Mini Brute was a WAM (BASIC Stamp) kit to make a traffic light blink. My best guess is to build figure 2 and vary Rl until the output on pin6 looks like what is coming out of the Xenosonic. As far as polarity, maybe run it through a NOT gate?
Registered Member #15
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
Posts: 3068
The transmitter is just a diode. The xenosonic merely uses a gate driver to drive this diode and "pulse"it.
The receiver is an open collector output. Very simple. Just your basic transistor open collector output.
However, that said, the open collector usually inverts, so you may need another inverting stage (say another 74 series inverter chip)
Hook it up as an open collector (Tie Vcc of the Reciver to say +5V, and pull the output of the receiver to the +5V with a resistor, then monitor the output to see what the levels look like when you pulse your modulator. If its inverted, then just feed through a 74 inverter chip.
Honestly, i don't think you need the fiber optic interface. I've never had a problem with any audio source using just the standard coax. connection.
Registered Member #1828
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Posts: 55
I am trying the optic interface to see if I can get away with using an MP3 player as a source. If that won't work I will build a computer for it. (The idea was to keep this as small/portable as possible. (Transport 2 Mini brutes + control and weekend gear in a Miata!)
Registered Member #15
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
Posts: 3068
d20180 wrote ...
I am trying the optic interface to see if I can get away with using an MP3 player as a source. If that won't work I will build a computer for it. (The idea was to keep this as small/portable as possible. (Transport 2 Mini brutes + control and weekend gear in a Miata!)
A simple AC plug-in CD player will certaintly fit in a Miata.
Registered Member #15
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
Posts: 3068
Yes and no. If its constant, you'll be able to see it) However, if its low duty output, as in your adv modulator, you probably won't be able to see it.
Registered Member #1828
Joined: Sat Nov 29 2008, 03:00PM
Posts: 55
hmm. I am using the 500hz audio file on the xenosonic for testing. Should removing U2 and U51 help? (I guess that depends on if and where the Optic circuit inverts the signal) Any clues?
Registered Member #15
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
Posts: 3068
d20180 wrote ...
hmm. I am using the 500hz audio file on the xenosonic for testing. Should removing U2 and U51 help? (I guess that depends on if and where the Optic circuit inverts the signal) Any clues?
You probably won't be able to see the light unless you are in a very dark room as the output is low duty cycle (a few %) However, if you hook it up to the receiver and scope the output of the receiver, you will see the signal and also see if its inverted or not.
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