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Registered Member #1169
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I know it has been a long time however I am finally posting my results (as requested by several members) for the Xenosonic board.
unfortunately I never did get the board fully running, Daniel did spend time helping me troubleshoot the circuit however it was not enough to get the noise out of the signal. If I put more time into it I could pinpoint the issue however with school starting back up I have little time to bust out the Oscope. There were also a few discrepancies between the schematic and and parts list which did make it somewhat confusing.
As Daniel mentioned this static could becoming from my computer however I did also try an electronic keyboard and got similar results.
Registered Member #1828
Joined: Sat Nov 29 2008, 03:00PM
Posts: 55
I got it working, sort of.
It is resetting my audio sources, 1 mp3 player and one cheap cd player. And another mp3 player died. This happens even when they are enclosed in a metal box. any ideas?
Registered Member #15
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
Posts: 3068
d20180 wrote ...
I got it working, sort of.
It is resetting my audio sources, 1 mp3 player and one cheap cd player. And another mp3 player died. This happens even when they are enclosed in a metal box. any ideas?
Sounds like you have another issue going on. Bad grounding somewhere, or something. Or you have your equipment much too close to the DRSSTC.
wrote ...
I know it has been a long time however I am finally posting my results (as requested by several members) for the Xenosonic board.
unfortunately I never did get the board fully running, Daniel did spend time helping me troubleshoot the circuit however it was not enough to get the noise out of the signal. If I put more time into it I could pinpoint the issue however with school starting back up I have little time to bust out the Oscope. There were also a few discrepancies between the schematic and and parts list which did make it somewhat confusing.
As Daniel mentioned this static could becoming from my computer however I did also try an electronic keyboard and got similar results.
Noise in the signal is usally due to two things:
1. Improperly set bias / threshold levels 2. Input waveform is not a simple sine wave (or similar) waveform
In the latter, you need to use a monotonic input signal. A flute or similar voice which produces a sine wave works best for the zero crossing detector. Remember, you aren't reproducing the input sound of the DRSSTC - you're reproducing the input frequency. If you have a complex sound, you will induce harmonics in the signal which will cause noise and false triggering of the zero cross detector causing noise etc...
Registered Member #1828
Joined: Sat Nov 29 2008, 03:00PM
Posts: 55
It is 12' away. Bad grounding in the Xenosonic?, or earth ground in the tesla? Where should I be looking? All sources were battery operated (cd & MP3 players)
Got lucky, the mp3 player that refused to turn on/respond to any input yesterday, after sitting overnight powered on and works fine.
Registered Member #1828
Joined: Sat Nov 29 2008, 03:00PM
Posts: 55
I'll try to find a power brick for the cd. The cord between the source and the Xeno is 6" but wadded up. The xeno is 12' away from the MBrute behind an old computer case. The resetting/interference is'nt RF, I have run the mp3/cd at the same time and only the one hooked up to the xeno locks up.
Registered Member #15
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:11PM
Posts: 3068
d20180 wrote ...
I'll try to find a power brick for the cd. The cord between the source and the Xeno is 6" but wadded up. The xeno is 12' away from the MBrute behind an old computer case. The resetting/interference is'nt RF, I have run the mp3/cd at the same time and only the one hooked up to the xeno locks up.
Thats the risk anytime you using something electrical near a Tesla coil. A Tesla coil by its definition is an enormous EM field generator. Any electronics near it during operation is suspect to interference and even damage. Thats always a risk and nothing is ever guaranteed.
A power brick isn't grounded. Its not going to help.
The problem is that you have your battery powered audio source, connected to a battery powered Xenosonic, connected by a long wire to the DRSSTC. Thats a GIANT antenna. With an AC powered CD source or keyboard, etc..., your grounding both ends of the cable so you limit the amount of induced currents through it.
Registered Member #1828
Joined: Sat Nov 29 2008, 03:00PM
Posts: 55
I put some ferrite beads on the audio input wires, it may be helping.
Would running an earth ground to the - battery terminal help on the CD? (I am trying to limit the $ value of the equipment at risk. loosing a 12$ cd player won't bother me, but the stereo or computer would.)
Could I use a TLP72 (from the minibrute) to connect them?
Some sample vids
I have searched the site and couldn't find it, is there a circut to use the optical with the mini brute?
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