is it possible with SSTC ?
Registered Member #1025
Joined: Sun Sept 23 2007, 07:53PM
Location: Czech Rep.
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As most of you noticed, I'm experimenting with placing live things on the topload - the flowers. I can tell you that after few seconds the flower gets really hot despite it's full of watter (and the skin of the flower is much better conductor). I have respect from my SSTC. I would never touched it!
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Mads Barnkob
Registered Member #1403
Joined: Tue Mar 18 2008, 06:05PM
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I surgest you go buy a piece of meat or a sausage and put some voltage through it, cut it open and see what it looks like. Would be cool if you could find a piece with a huge bloodvein in and fill it with water or so.
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