Building my portable PLL coil
Registered Member #952
Joined: Mon Aug 13 2007, 11:07AM
Location: Finland
Posts: 388
Thanks for answers. I'll likely finish the coil next week when I have my winter holidays. I think I blew my 74HC4046 (d'oh ). But I'll replace it! I'll build an amplifier for the audio mod. I would also try adding a topload (or do I need it if I keep the coil CW?)
Then next question: I've so far used TC4420 for the gate drive. I would like to replace it with an ICL7667. If I put the gates in parallel and reverse the primary phasing, the performance should be almost equal compared to the performance with the TC4420.
I've so far gotter 1cm corona and 1,5cm streamers from it! I think the pll is a bit off tune, but I'll fix it also.
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