Rfi filter?!?
Registered Member #964
Joined: Wed Aug 22 2007, 12:39AM
Location: Stockton, CA
Posts: 134
lol, ok. I'll try running it w/o any sort of filtering. I have a little ferrite bead thingy that went around a cord from something I can;t remember taking apart... Maybe passing the Gnd line thru this a couple of time might work/not make it worse?
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Registered Member #1083
Joined: Mon Oct 29 2007, 06:16PM
Location: Upland, California
Posts: 256
What about for a ground, using maybe 6 shorter rods, about 3 feet long and connecting them all up together. The coil will "think" it's actually one huge ground rod. Or get a hollow copper pipe and attach a water hose to the end and on full blast, push it down. The water would act like a drill and push all the dirt away.
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