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Registered Member #2915
Joined: Fri Jun 11 2010, 10:41AM
Location: Malaysia!
Posts: 101
Wow, I've been trying to make some DIY caps for my TC and I'll try this. Just wondering, on a TC, does it make any difference if I use steel/Iron sheet instead of aluminum?
Registered Member #103
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 08:16PM
Location: Derby, UK
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I would think that it's easier to use the aluminium foil, not only is it a better conductor but you will probably get better surface contact with the foil, less air between the dielectric and the plate.
Registered Member #2893
Joined: Tue Jun 01 2010, 09:25PM
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Craft stores may sell copper leaf, You could try that.
What about taking copper guiding leaf, and alternate it with some transparency sheet? The very close contact the leaf would make with the sheet could prove for a nice capacitor.
Registered Member #58
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:40AM
Location: Tri-Cities, Washington, US
Posts: 317
those would probably work; the point of these caps was to provide a simple way to fabricate a great many layers. Here you simply buy some al foil and plastic plates, cut glue and stack and your good to go, plus the ridges allow for great prevention of arc over.
Registered Member #190
Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 12:00AM
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Mike, since it is 4 years later, maybe you can tell us how large (uf) and what breakdown voltage you were able to achieve? How well did they last with repeated use?
Registered Member #58
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Like many other things, I was side tracked and never got around to building a big version. I interest is renewed a bit but I haven't the materials to test a larger version at the moment and I am pretty busy with work.
Anyone care to make a huge stack and post the results, I'm sure it would be worth the effort, if not, some day I will get around to it and let everyone know!
Registered Member #3075
Joined: Fri Aug 06 2010, 02:44PM
Location: Athens, GA
Posts: 148
So I found this and decided to try it...
interesting findings...
I have twenty 6" plates with regular "heavy duty" aluminum foil in between each plate (with alternating tabs sticking out). I cut out each piece so they fit smooth on the bottom of each plate.
With just the plates stacked up, I am showing 3.2nF.
If I place weight on top of the plates, the capacitance goes up proportionately. At around 10 lbs it goes up to 8nF, and with about 30 lbs, I show 13.9nF.
I see where Mike used wood glue, so I am thinking of doing something similar with weight applied to effectively remove air and glue it all compacted. With enough weight and some extra glue/sealant, I think it might seal the edges of the plates and also help stop flashovers. My plan is to use this instead of a saltwater bottle cap for my TC.
So, two questions...
1- Will this work?
2 - What would be the best thing to use in this application...silicone, RTV, wood glue, gorilla glue, epoxy...etc...
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