odd and crazy tesla coil idea
J. Aaron Holmes
Registered Member #477
Joined: Tue Jun 20 2006, 11:51PM
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 546
Careful with those Chinese 811A's. I bought a matched pair of Shuguang 572B's (the "tough" version of the 811A) from RF Parts once, and had to send them back because the plate connection on one of them looked like it was about to fall off, and the seal on the other one had a crack! 0 for 2! Doh!! Never thought it would happen to me. This was just this last February or March. I forget.
The Chinese 833's and 3-500Z's seem to have good reputations. Not sure about the other stuff. I was pretty excited to build a tube coil, but that experience kind of demoralized me
Cheers, Aaron, N7OE
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Registered Member #941
Joined: Sun Aug 05 2007, 10:09AM
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Yikes! That doesent sound very funny. I found mine on ebay.
These to be exact:
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