Soft Encapsulants.
Registered Member #2431
Joined: Tue Oct 13 2009, 09:47PM
Location: Chico, CA. USA
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this "Xtreme UV", is it the kind of UV light curing type?
I worry about curing normal hard epoxy due to heating and cooling causing failure (cracking) later in life. If I'm going to the trouble of vacuum potting I want these to last.
I'm theorizing a method where we depart from the traditional flyback solid block and move to an oil/epoxy hybrid. this would mean a thin (.050) cured epoxy layer - vacuum potted to the bobbin and windings. then a small tank of oil to do the bulk insulation. But liquid tight containers that don't burst or leak are not ideal.
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Registered Member #96
Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:37PM
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It is! I've also used it for LED repairs and it works well.
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