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Ive got it working, I put 10k ohms where Hen918 suggested.
4.6uS @ 5.1 volts
14.4uS @ 2.8 volts
Vref = 5.1 volts
It does vary linearly with the turn of the potentiometer. Now I need to pick some exact values, and really get the design formalized for a new etch.
EDIT: pics
EDIT: It appears when I put 1.3 volts on pin 9 ( ILM/SD ) the PWM pins, both drop to zero. so I guess I don't know what "pulse-by-pulse current limiting" means.
Edit : ill be using the IGBT : ]hgtg7n60a4d.pdf[/file] and switching 170 Vdc through the primary, at no more than 4 amps.
Registered Member #11591
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The control loop of the current limiting is causing it to drop the pwm to 0: When you apply over one volt, the controller drops the pwm, and keeps dropping it until the current voltage goes below 1 volt. If you are keeping the voltage at 1.3V, the controller will rapidly drop the pulse width all the way to zero until the over current voltage is dropped.
Registered Member #2906
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Hmmmmh. IGBT @ 170V ?
Supose your 4A is the peak current. If the current was rectangular then you IGBT will have Vcesat(4A)=1.8V. What loss in a Mosfet equates to 450mOhm Rsdon. This is quite bad. If you assume a triangular current waveform the Mosfet is even better due to quadratic dependence on the current instead of nearly linear like the IGBT.
Looking at Digikey, Searching for Single Mosfets, "Vds>200V", "Ids>6A", "Rsdon < 400mOhm" and "THT" then entering the quantity of "1" and sorting for price you get a variety of alternatives that seem so much more suited for your project..... I case you cant follow my parametric search, then i just name a few: FQP19N20C (94ct, 170mOhm, 200V, 19A, TO220) RCX200N20 (110ct, 130mOhm, 200V, 20A, TO220) FDP18N20F (114ct, 145mOhm, 200V, 18A, TO220) STF20N20 (120ct, 125mOhm, 200V, 18A, TO220) FDP39N20 (132ct, 66mOhm, 200V, 39A, TO220) FDP33N25 (144ct, 94mOhm, 250V, 33A, To220) ..List continues. I just picked the ones that are much more better than your IGBT. (since i only searched for Rsdon<450mOhm.. should have searched for Rsdon<150mOhm)
Registered Member #2431
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DerAlbi wrote ...
Hmmmmh. IGBT @ 170V ?
Supose your 4A is the peak current. If the current was rectangular then you IGBT will have Vcesat(4A)=1.8V. What loss in a Mosfet equates to 450mOhm Rsdon. This is quite bad. If you assume a triangular current waveform the Mosfet is even better due to quadratic dependence on the current instead of nearly linear like the IGBT.
Looking at Digikey, Searching for Single Mosfets, "Vds>200V", "Ids>6A", "Rsdon < 400mOhm" and "THT" then entering the quantity of "1" and sorting for price you get a variety of alternatives that seem so much more suited for your project..... I case you cant follow my parametric search, then i just name a few: FQP19N20C (94ct, 170mOhm, 200V, 19A, TO220) RCX200N20 (110ct, 130mOhm, 200V, 20A, TO220) FDP18N20F (114ct, 145mOhm, 200V, 18A, TO220) STF20N20 (120ct, 125mOhm, 200V, 18A, TO220) FDP39N20 (132ct, 66mOhm, 200V, 39A, TO220) FDP33N25 (144ct, 94mOhm, 250V, 33A, To220) ..List continues. I just picked the ones that are much more better than your IGBT. (since i only searched for Rsdon<450mOhm.. should have searched for Rsdon<150mOhm)
I figured someone would say this. I just used the 7 amp and 30 amp versions since I have 30 of one and 40 of the other. there is a really good MOSFET I used at 30 volts and less. Which eventually this power supply will work off of at 12-18 volts input at 20+ amps.
EDIT: The voltage varies linearly from 0 - 0.7 after .7 it jumps to 1.25 V. below the .7 the PWM is off entirely. above the 1.25 its on. I also have to keep the pin 9 below 5 volts or it will blow out.
Registered Member #2906
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For an analog loop you should avoid PushPull-Outputstages like the PC911L0YSZ. Easy solutions like the PS2561-1 is fine. You could try it with SFH6345 , but i dont see much reason there. HCPL7520 is surely interesting.. but i honestly think its overkill.
Registered Member #2906
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Actually they are quite complex if you want to get them right. It is however easy to get something working. It depends on what kind of control loop you want to implement. If its kind of digital like "start switching" when voltage is low or "stop switchting" when voltage is high enough then its easy. but its most likely inefficient, produces high ripple under constant load conditions and... yeah.. its basically nothing else than a most primitive over voltage protection. A real analog loop also controls how much energy is transfered when switching. Such a loop can be too slow to be optimal, produce overshoots if too fast or it even can oscillate. Its in no way trivial, but often it just works somehow (most likely when its made really slow). As long as you dont care to make it optimal, its can be easy.
Thats why i propose the PS2561-1. The Push-Pull-Output has too much loop-gain (making it digital oscillating). The SFH6345 just adds complexity to the loop and the HCPL7520 might even have not enough gain. Just try.
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