Coil done but not working well with new caps
Registered Member #4548
Joined: Mon Apr 23 2012, 03:52AM
Location: tasmania
Posts: 271
Just a couple notes on tuning. First off you don't need to calculate the exact primary winding in order to tune the coil. Just pick a starting point and slowly adjust in one direction about 1/8 of a turn each run until it starts to break out then fine tune it for the largest streamers. If you don't find the resonant point go back to where you started and adjust in the other direction.
Also I'm pretty sure coils will ark to ground no matter how out of tune it is so remove the grounding ring.
Lastly add a breakout point to make it more obvious when you are getting close to resonance. You can remove it when you are done (but you may need to adjust the tuning a little when you remove it).
I have only built one moderately successful coil and it was a couple years ago now so I don't claim that this it the best way to tune a coil but it worked well for me.
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