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4hv.org :: Forums :: Tesla Coils
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What is a "low impedance" DRSSTC? More theory

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Steve Conner
Sat May 24 2014, 04:28PM Print
Steve Conner Registered Member #30 Joined: Fri Feb 03 2006, 10:52AM
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My recent Odin disaster got me thinking about this subject. smile From looking at the test results, it seemed obvious that the coil wanted more current than the inverter could safely deliver, but how could this be quantified?

It struck me that it is possible to write the following equations:
1: Inverter output impedance = (4/pi)*(1/sqrt(2))*(Vbus/Iocd) where Vbus is the DC bus voltage and Iocd is the current limit setting.

Note that if the coil is running in the steady state with primary current just below the current limit (the condition we want to design for) then the inverter output impedance must be equal to the resistive part of the streamer load impedance, as reflected into the primary.

2: Primary surge impedance = sqrt(Lp/Cp) = 1/(2*pi*fres*Cp) = 2*pi*fres*Lp

Finally 3: Primary loaded Q = Primary surge impedance/Inverter output impedance

I calculated the primary loaded Q for my old DRSSTC (Mjollnir) according to this formula. It worked out as 12.5 with the old 50nF tank capacitor, and 6.25 with the 100nF replacement. In both cases the coil performed well and was easy to drive with a PLL driver.

For Odin in its current state (80kHz fres, 0.75uF tank cap, 1000A current limit) I got only 2.3. Experimentally I found the primary ringup was violently quick and the PLL driver didn't seem to like it much at all.

Also, Uspring recently posted that maximum power transfer is achieved when Qsec = 1/k. My old "hungry streamer" theory suggests that Qsec will indeed tend to 1/k under heavy streamer loading and this will set an ultimate limit to streamer growth.

So I would argue from this that the primary should be designed for a loaded Q of at least 1/k too. If Qpri=Qsec=1/k then we have a critical coupled bandpass filter. My Odin design also fails this rule of thumb as it has k=0.225 which implies Qpri should be greater than 4.4.

Qpri is also roughly equal to the number of cycles the unloaded primary would take to ring up to the current limit. Again this more or less agrees with the test results from Odin and Mjollnir. Hitting the current limit in 2 cycles means there is no time to transfer much energy to the secondary or resolve the two resonant modes. But in 6 cycles it all seems to work much more smoothly.

I welcome any comments from Uspring, Antonio etc. I would also be interested to see values of loaded Q according to this formula from other DRSSTC builders. In the meantime I will go ahead and change the Odin primary circuit to have a loaded Q of between 4.4 and 6.5, and see what happens.
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Mads Barnkob
Sat May 24 2014, 08:01PM
Mads Barnkob Registered Member #1403 Joined: Tue Mar 18 2008, 06:05PM
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You also have your relatively high primary current to frequency ratio to thank for the low Q, you are already running with a rather small topload, add some more!

So far I have only tested my large DRSSTC ( Link2 ) with a static load, plotting its numbers (38kHz, 0,8uF, 1500A, 564VDC, gives me a Primary loaded Q of 10,9 with the corrected equation from Uspring
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Sat May 24 2014, 08:03PM
Uspring Registered Member #3988 Joined: Thu Jul 07 2011, 03:25PM
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You wrote:
1: Inverter output impedance =(4/pi)*(1/sqrt(2))*(Vbus/Iocd) where Vbus is the DC bus voltage and Iocd is the current limit setting.
It looks like you have a different definition of Vbus than I. For a half bridge switching between +Vbus and -Vbus I get an impedance of (4/pi)*(Vbus/Iocd).

Finally 3: Primary loaded Q = Primary surge impedance/Inverter output impedance
This then is a measure of how many cycles it takes until the OCD is hit if there is no secondary (and arcs).

Also, Uspring recently posted that maximum power transfer is achieved when Qsec = 1/k. My old "hungry streamer" theory suggests that Qsec will indeed tend to 1/k under heavy streamer loading and this will set an ultimate limit to streamer growth.
That really depends on the way you tune. For the "PLL upper pole - primary tuned low" operation, the optimal Qsec might be higher. This is based on the equation below:

Qpri = (Qsec/k^2) * (1 - f^2/fsec^2)^2 + 1/(k^2 * Qsec)

The "PLL upper pole - primary tuned low" operation can make the (1 - f^2/fsec^2) term very low, so that the first term becomes negligible.
Qpri is different from loaded Q. Qpri determines how far primary current ramps up, loaded Q how fast. It is a good idea to make loaded Q similar to Qpri, since then arc loading will limit primary current to a value near Iocd. Although the above equation is exact, changes of Qsec, fsec and f due to arc loading make estimates fragile.
The only part I understand about the hungry streamer model is its prediction of the phase between arc voltage and arc current being 45 degrees. That's close zo my measurements but that part doesn't make any prediction about Qsec.

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Steve Conner
Sat May 24 2014, 08:37PM
Steve Conner Registered Member #30 Joined: Fri Feb 03 2006, 10:52AM
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Uspring wrote ...

It looks like you have a different definition of Vbus than I. For a half bridge switching between +Vbus and -Vbus I get an impedance of (4/pi)*(Vbus/Iocd).

You could well be right, if 4/pi is the ratio between the peak of the fundamental, and the amplitude of the square wave. I thought it was the RMS.

wrote ...

It is a good idea to make loaded Q similar to Qpri, since then arc loading will limit primary current to a value near Iocd.
This is exactly what I just realised. So I just assumed loaded Q equal to Qpri and worked the math backwards. Interestingly, if the first term in your equation is very small, we get Qpri*Qsec = (1/k^2), and Qpri=Qsec=1/k is a solution of that.

wrote ...

The only part I understand about the hungry streamer model is its prediction of the phase between arc voltage and arc current being 45 degrees. That's close zo my measurements but that part doesn't make any prediction about Qsec.
The hungry streamer model says that any sort of discharge will develop until it is drawing all the power that the source can supply. It's probably not a very good model for Tesla coil streamers because a discharge to air is "ballasted" by its own capacitance. But I think that as the streamers become large compared to the size of the coil, it might become more accurate, because the equivalent series capacitance will become small compared to the output impedance of the coil.

All I am basically proposing for a hypothesis is that no matter how hard you drive the primary of a DRSSTC, you will never be able to grow a streamer big enough to get the secondary loaded Q below 1/k, because if it ever did drop below 1/k, the power transfer would start to decrease and the streamer would therefore get smaller. If this is true, we could possibly work it backwards to calculate the impedance of streamers from observations of spark length and primary current.
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Sun May 25 2014, 12:53AM
Antonio Registered Member #834 Joined: Tue Jun 12 2007, 10:57PM
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I would avoid considerations of Q, since the system is not a second-order circuit, and consider the impedance that the inverter wants to see, considering the maximum input current and the maximum voltage applied to the primary:
And then design the system as an impedance matching network to match this impedance to the impedance at the secondary. The required calculations are in my site:

The formulas for the doubly terminated case can be worked to produce the following:
Given the secondary inductance and capacitance, Lb and Cb, and the primary capacitance Ca:

Required primary inductance La=Lb*Cb/Ca+Ca*R^2 (note the last term. This is not a SG Tesla coil where La*Ca=Lb*Cb, although the difference is small).
Driving frequency F=1/(2*Pi*sqrt(Lb*Cb)). The secondary resonance.
Voltage gain: n=sqrt(Lb/Ca)/R. The assumed load is then R*n^2.
Bandwidth, if the primary side had R in series:
Coupling coefficient: k=sqrt(B^2/(2F^2+B^2))

The number of cycles for stabilization of the output is approximately F/B.
Note that this design is the same obtained for the lossless case for a certain R and a certain mode, since the tuning relations are identical.

These designs are idealized. Apply the usual discount of secondary capacitance considering capacitive streamer loading.

About the formula:
Qpri = (Qsec/k^2) * (1 - f^2/fsec^2)^2 + 1/(k^2 * Qsec)
I don't understand how Qpri can depend on f (driving frequency?)
My formulas above give k aproximately equal to 1/Qsec if k is low, and Qpri almost equal to Qsec if the primary is alone and loaded with R.
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Steve Conner
Sun May 25 2014, 07:41AM
Steve Conner Registered Member #30 Joined: Fri Feb 03 2006, 10:52AM
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
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Interesting. I saw your doubly terminated Butterworth method before, but didn't really understand it at the time. I think I understand a little more now. smile

The one problem I still have with it is this: it allows you to design a coil to drive a given streamer load, but it doesn't say anything about whether the coil design will be suitable for following the trajectory that develops that value of streamer load, or whether it would just trigger the current limit before the streamer has a chance to develop. In your article you said:

wrote ...
If the actual resistive load is different, the input impedance remains resistive, and the voltage gain doesn't change, because with both LC tanks tuned the system reduces to an ideal transformer with voltage gain n.

Do you have a formula that relates the change in input resistance to the change in load resistance? This would help to visualise the trajectory that the system would follow as the streamer load developed. My mental picture is of some sort of parabolic curve, the input resistance is maximal for a load that gives roughly Q=1/k and decreases in both directions from there. It must decrease in both directions because the input resistance is zero for load resistances of both zero and infinity.

Also, does it follow that the only thing that can change the voltage gain of the system is reactive loading by the streamer capacitance? I think for stable operation we want the voltage gain to decrease somewhat with streamer loading. There are some tunings (mistunings?) that cause it to increase.
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Sun May 25 2014, 01:11PM
Avalanche Registered Member #103 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 08:16PM
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I'm probably going to make myself look stupid, but I can't understand why 'Iocd' enters into an equation calculating inverter output impedence of a voltage-source inverter if it is running in steady-state below it's current limit. As I understand it, 'Iocd' is a 'trip' level and the inverter doesn't become a current source at 'Iocd' (or does it, in a bang-bang fashion?)
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Steve Conner
Sun May 25 2014, 01:19PM
Steve Conner Registered Member #30 Joined: Fri Feb 03 2006, 10:52AM
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It does become a current source, at least with the cycle skipping method of current limiting I use (and a primary Q high enough that controlling the current in units of 1 cycle makes sense)

However, it is really more of a design thing. You decide how much current your bridge can safely put out, and then my formula helps you design a resonator to match it. The details of how the current limit works don't really matter. The formula only needs to know the current limit so it can avoid triggering it, if you like.
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Sun May 25 2014, 10:51PM
Antonio Registered Member #834 Joined: Tue Jun 12 2007, 10:57PM
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Steve Conner wrote ...

Do you have a formula that relates the change in input resistance to the change in load resistance? This would help to visualise the trajectory that the system would follow as the streamer load developed. My mental picture is of some sort of parabolic curve, the input resistance is maximal for a load that gives roughly Q=1/k and decreases in both directions from there. It must decrease in both directions because the input resistance is zero for load resistances of both zero and infinity.

Also, does it follow that the only thing that can change the voltage gain of the system is reactive loading by the streamer capacitance? I think for stable operation we want the voltage gain to decrease somewhat with streamer loading. There are some tunings (mistunings?) that cause it to increase.
If just the resistive load RL changes the input impedance is just RL/n^2, as if an ideal transformer were used.
Due to the design the input impedance is "maximally resistive" around the driving frequency, meaning that even with quite large changes in the driving frequency it remains resistive.
The phase of the input impedance crosses zero with zero inclination at the driving frequency. This may cause a problem with a PLL controller using the primary current for feedback. If it is designed to keep the designed driving frequency with no load, when the phase goes from +90 to -90 degrees at the central frequency, exactly at the point where the load resistance drops to the designed value the PLL will move the driving frequency away, because the phase inclination changes sign. A controller that just follows the sign of the input current apparently would work correctly.
With no load the input current shows beats that rise to approximately the same level of the designed maximum input current, if the driving frequency is kept at the designed place. With losses the beats decay soon.
A PLL controller may be set to operate at one of the resonances with no load, where the phase rises. It would then move to the central frequency correctly as the load decreases, but I don't know to what level the input current will rise in the way. It depends on how the streamers develop and can't be predicted with a linear model.

I created this design based on a Butterworth filter years ago, but didn't pay much attention to it, concentrating on the lossless design, that seems to work in the same way. I see now that the equivalence is not exact. Verifying why.

Greater load capacitance reflects to the input as more capacitance too. If the driver can accept it, the voltage gain doesn't drop. If the driver tries to keep the zvs condition the system gets detuned, but as disproportionally great current is drained from the driver the voltage gain actually increases.

I have implemented the calculations from specified elements in my drsstcd program, and made some improvements in the plots too:
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Mon May 26 2014, 03:40PM
Uspring Registered Member #3988 Joined: Thu Jul 07 2011, 03:25PM
Posts: 711
Antonio wrote:
I would avoid considerations of Q, since the system is not a second-order circuit, and consider the impedance that the inverter wants to see, considering the maximum input current and the maximum voltage applied to the primary:
And then design the system as an impedance matching network to match this impedance to the impedance at the secondary.
Edit: I agree, that formally Qpri is a doubtful concept, since it is not a property of the primary tank itself but depends on the whole system, which is not second order. See Qpri just as a way to express the real part of the input impedance Rinp. I liked this way of expressing Rinp, since it makes the equation indepent of explicit tank inductances and capacitances.

Consideration of Qpri is a means to match the inverter to the coil. It really makes sense only for a steady state situation, i.e. when currents and voltages in the coil have settled to constant values. The input resistance Rinp of the system should be equal to the output resistance of the inverter. From the definition of Qpri:

Qpri = Primary surge impedance / Rinp = sqrt(Lp/Cp) / Rinp

Rinp can be calculated once Qpri is known.
Rinp is a useful value. From it the max primary current can be calculated, the power transfer from primary to the secondary (i.e. Ipri^2 * Rinp). Also it can be determined if there is a good match between inverter and the coil, i.e. when Rinp = R.

Rinp is caused by secondary, i.e arc loading. Qpri is given by:

Qpri = (Qsec/k^2) * (1 - f^2/fsec^2)^2 + 1/(k^2 * Qsec),

where f is the frequency the coil is driven at and fsec the secondary resonance frequency. As noted above, Rinp can be calculated from this. I like this form of Rinp derivation since the formula becomes relatively simple and does not contain any tank Ls and Cs explicitly.

For zero current switching, there is a choice of 3 different frequencies, the lower and upper pole and the center frequency. Maybe it is instructive to see, what this equation says for different tuning strategies. I've used Odin values as far as they are known to me. (80kHz fsec, 0.75uF tank cap, k=0.225

1. Center tuning, i.e. driving the coil at the center frequency fsec = 80kHz, primary tank tuned to the same f.
f is then equal to fsec and

Qpri = 1/(k^2 * Qsec) = 19.8 / Qsec

Since Qsec is proportional to the arc load resistance RL, Qpri is inversely proportional to it and Rinp then again proportional to RL as Antonio writes:
If just the resistive load RL changes the input impedance is just RL/n^2, as if an ideal transformer were used.
Assuming, that due to arc loading fsec drops to 70kHz and that the driving frequency f stays constant at 80 kHz:

Qpri = 1.85 * Qsec + 19.8 / Qsec

2. Steves tuning, i.e. upper pole operation, primary tuned low, e.g. 70kHz.
The upper pole is then at f= 87kHz:

Qpri = 0.66 * Qsec + 19.8 / Qsec

Assuming again, that due to arc loading fsec drops to 70kHz and that the driving frequency f stays at the upper pole. The pole frequency is then f = 79.5kHz:

Qpri = 1.66 * Qsec + 19.8 / Qsec

3. Classical tuning, i.e. lower pole driving frequency, primary is tuned low to 70kHz. The driving frequency is then 67 kHz:

Qpri = 1.76 * Qsec + 19.8 / Qsec

With fsec = 70 KHz the lower pole is at 63.2 kHz:

Qpri = 0.66 * Qsec + 19.8 / Qsec

A large Qpri always means, that much current is needed for power transfer to the secondary. So a low Qpri is desirable. But possibly more important than this is, that Qpri shouldn't change too much during arc buildup, since that implies a mismatch between the inverter and the coil at one time or another. Qsec drops from maybe around a few hundred to about 3 to 10 at full arc length. In Steves tuning, the change in Qpri from light to heavy load is much smaller than in the classical tuning. The overshoot of primary current is thus avoided.

Center tuning is the best for light loads but gets worse for heavier. It is an interesting mode of operation if zero current switching can be accommodated.

Edit: Center tuning can be achieved under varying arc capacitances by adjusting inverter frequency in such a way, that the phase between primary and secondary current stays at 90 degrees. This will always give the lowest possible Qpri. This involves not switching at zero current at all times.

About the formula:
Qpri = (Qsec/k^2) * (1 - f^2/fsec^2)^2 + 1/(k^2 * Qsec)
I don't understand how Qpri can depend on f (driving frequency?)
The secondary voltage depends on the driving frequency due to resonance effects. For a given arc load resistance the arc power consumption follows secondary voltage. Qpri or conversely, Rinp reflects that.

The phase of the input impedance crosses zero with zero inclination at the driving frequency.
That depends on the secondary load. For a particular load this is true. For other loads the inclination is either positive or negative.

Steve wrote:
Do you have a formula that relates the change in input resistance to the change in load resistance? This would help to visualise the trajectory that the system would follow as the streamer load developed. My mental picture is of some sort of parabolic curve, the input resistance is maximal for a load that gives roughly Q=1/k and decreases in both directions from there. It must decrease in both directions because the input resistance is zero for load resistances of both zero and infinity.
Maybe the above answers this question. In the ideal center tuning case Rinp is proportional to the arc load resistance. As soon as you get out of tune by arc detuning, Rinp has a max (or Qpri a min) between zero and infinite arc resistance, so your mental picture is correct.

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