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Megaflow battery arbitrage

Move Thread LAN_403
Tue Apr 29 2014, 06:42PM
Patrick Registered Member #2431 Joined: Tue Oct 13 2009, 09:47PM
Location: Chico, CA. USA
Posts: 5639
Sulaiman wrote ...

AFAIK the bomb(s) were 'barrel bombs',
explosive but not toxic.
(watch a little Al-Jezeera, RT, CCTV etc. as well as your local propaganda)
Don't want to hijack this thread but here's what I've been hearing :
Chlorine weapon use : Link2
I've only seen Fox News report on this matter, though others may have mentioned it, it's shocking this isn't a major news story.

Bromine is similar in toxicity to chlorine (though there may need more quantity to cause similar injury), and an electrical fire could volatize to atmosphere, dangerous vapors. Though I do like the idea of separate reactants pumped across a membrane.
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Ash Small
Tue Apr 29 2014, 07:33PM
Ash Small Registered Member #3414 Joined: Sun Nov 14 2010, 05:05PM
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Sulaiman wrote ...

AFAIK the bomb(s) were 'barrel bombs',
explosive but not toxic.
(watch a little Al-Jezeera, RT, CCTV etc. as well as your local propaganda)

This evening's Channel 4 news was reporting this as you were typing, Sulaiman. Apparently, while he handed over his 'category one and two' chemical weapons, chlorine and ammonia weren't handed over as they are 'category three', which apperently means they have 'legitimate uses' as 'cleaning chemicals'. (cleansing his country of political opposition, maybe?)

EDIT: He is 'delivering them' in barrel bombs, though, and barrel bombs are against the Geneva convention anyway, as they are 'indiscriminate'.
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Tue Apr 29 2014, 07:54PM
Patrick Registered Member #2431 Joined: Tue Oct 13 2009, 09:47PM
Location: Chico, CA. USA
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weve been hearing it here on fox news for a week or 10 days.

in any case back to the "flow" battery, i guess theres an advantage over H2 and O2 or natural gas in a Solid oxide fuel cell, no appalling heat, and no real cryo/LNG-tankage to speak of. but the reactants must be heavier, which is irrelevant in a fixed location as in a windmill.
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Tue Apr 29 2014, 09:48PM
BigBad Registered Member #2529 Joined: Thu Dec 10 2009, 02:43AM
Posts: 600
Bromine gas seems less eye clawingly toxic than chlorine, and much less volatile and heavier than air. In a fire it would probably act as an oxidiser rather than a cloud of death.

In fact bromine is often used in hot tubs because it is less bothersome like that.

Hydrobromic acid is a very strong acid though.

In either case I would expect that preventing it from catching fire would not be that hard; we are talking about aqueous solutions after all.
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Tue Apr 29 2014, 10:23PM
Patrick Registered Member #2431 Joined: Tue Oct 13 2009, 09:47PM
Location: Chico, CA. USA
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BigBad wrote ...

Bromine gas seems less eye clawingly toxic than chlorine, and much less volatile and heavier than air. In a fire it would probably act as an oxidiser rather than a cloud of death.

In fact bromine is often used in hot tubs because it is less bothersome like that.

Hydrobromic acid is a very strong acid though.

In either case I would expect that preventing it from catching fire would not be that hard; we are talking about aqueous solutions after all.
could all be true.

i thinking back to general and organic chemistry, the toxcity increased toward flourine, and reduced toward Astatine. if i remember....so this would support BigBad, your claim that bromine isnt super bad.
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Fri May 02 2014, 06:43PM
AndrewM Registered Member #49 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 04:05AM
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I made bromine on my deck by gassing a bromide solution with chlorine.

The bromine struck me as more irritating than the chlorine. Neither struck me as irritating as Sarin gas.


The toxicity doesn't seem to be a dealbreaker.
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Fri May 02 2014, 07:16PM
Patrick Registered Member #2431 Joined: Tue Oct 13 2009, 09:47PM
Location: Chico, CA. USA
Posts: 5639
AndrewM wrote ...

I made bromine on my deck by gassing a bromide solution with chlorine.

The bromine struck me as more irritating than the chlorine. Neither struck me as irritating as Sarin gas.


The toxicity doesn't seem to be a dealbreaker.
Ha! this guy and i must be separated at birth.
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Fri Sept 25 2015, 12:27AM
BigBad Registered Member #2529 Joined: Thu Dec 10 2009, 02:43AM
Posts: 600
OOoh. Sounds like they've fixed the chemistry. Instead of using bromic acid they use an alkali. The alkali is a ferricyanide, but apparently that's actually a food additive and isn't, you know, cyanide.

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