Peltair cooled IGBTs
Ash Small
Registered Member #3414
Joined: Sun Nov 14 2010, 05:05PM
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I also have some of the same Peltier units as Tom has, and I considered using one to cool the CPU on my PC. Apparently those units produce a temperature difference of ~80 degrees C if I remember correctly, and with two fans and much more heatsink area should be capable of 'pumping' more heat than just heatsinks and fans alone. I'd use the aluminium block that comes with the Peltier units between the Peltier and CPU, with a hole drilled in it for a thermistor so I can monitor the temperature of the aluminium block.
I'm not sure when I'll get around to it though, we've just had a death in the family to deal with and things are still pretty hectic here.
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