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Registered Member #1143
Joined: Sun Nov 25 2007, 04:55PM
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
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Hello, i am making ADSP FLASH programmer, all stuff is done, now flash programing stooping me from succeeding
STM32F4 is connected via SPI1 to flash. I can read ID from flash ( and yes, it is perfect match in pdf), and read status register, and write status register. so my guess SPI bus is ok. But i can't write, and read any data. ok, first what i do, is set register to 0x00 ( aka write protection is disabled)
Registered Member #96
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Indadequate voltage? Also worth checking, pull-up resistors and timing; if the signals are not square then the chip might not be inputting the data correctly.
Registered Member #1143
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Conundrum wrote ...
Indadequate voltage? Also worth checking, pull-up resistors and timing; if the signals are not square then the chip might not be inputting the data correctly.
I hape pullup to CS,WP,HD, and using PP Output in mcu, and i have local DC/DC to 3.30V.Somehow i can read chip id, but if i try to write data, i read nothing. (Or, i don't know how to read, or how to write) probing show excellent timings As always, if i made hardware right, software start to not work, and vice versa
lol, changed flash to EPCS4 and it worked in first time. So i ordered new flash, and problem should be solved.
Registered Member #1143
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OK, i realy ned some one who knows how to work with SPI FLASH. Right now i am using EPCS16 from my fpga board.
If i delete sector, and fill with data, i can read it with no problem. But if i try just to read flash from power-up,i get void data. (Yes, flash was programed, but not deleted)
Same problem is with dsp booting, i don't get any activity from MISO pi, only high state, and yes was successfully write.
To write flash i use simple function, so no error can be write into flash: while( TransferStatus == FAILED) { sFLASH_EraseSector(sk); sFLASH_WriteBuffer(Tx_Buffer,sk,256); sFLASH_ReadBuffer(Rx_Buffer, sk, 256); TransferStatus = Buffercmp(Tx_Buffer, Rx_Buffer, 256);//return PASSED if Rx and Tx data is the same, sk is address } TransferStatus=FAILED; //so next time when i have full buffer, i will go to this loop
Do i missing something ? do i need to write some registers or what ? why if i execute page delete and fill it with data i can read it, but if i try just to read after powerup (and some delay), i get nothing ?
Registered Member #30
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I deal with problems like this all the time at work. The solution is lots of hard work with a scope and logic analyser plus reading the datasheets of all the parts 100 times. (including any errata that the manufacturer might have published later)
Even if the flash was full of garbage data, or blank, or not connected at all, I'd expect the DSP to attempt to read it at boot time. It should clock in the first 1000 or so words, try to execute it as code, and if the data is bad it will crash at this point.
So it sounds like you have two problems here: your flash write routine on the STM32 is broken and your DSP boot mode is configured wrongly. (or it's not trying to boot because it's lacking some power rail or clock signal)
The EPCS16 is meant for configuring Altera FPGAs. Is it even compatible with the DSP's SPI bootloader?
Finally I noticed this in the EPCS series datasheet:
wrote ... For write and erase operations, drive the nCS pin high at a byte boundary that is in a multiple of eight clock pulses. Otherwise, the operation is rejected and not executed.
Registered Member #1143
Joined: Sun Nov 25 2007, 04:55PM
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Posts: 721
OK, this is just me beeing stupid as always. I was writing to buffer, not page, and when i switched to page, and after chip erase setting all registers to zero, worked as it should. So yes, you must know your enemy.
Anyway, ADSP-21488 still doesn't want to work, i can see now some activity on all pins (MOSI give just read command as it should, and MISO just readouts all data from flash, cs goes low for eternity)
Is always fun to start to work from hardest point with new technology... (ADSP i mean)
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