My first solid state tesla coil
Graham Armitage
Registered Member #6038
Joined: Mon Aug 06 2012, 11:31AM
Location: Salado, TX
Posts: 248
Glad to hear you went with the kit. Great way to start. Which one did you order? The problem I see with your large coil is the diam:length ratio. As someone mentioned it seems awfully long. If I remember correctly a 1:4 ratio is a good rule of thumb. Not the right size for a minibrute, but you could modify it later for another coil. maybe put it aside for a while until your kit is working - that project will give you much deeper insight in DRSSTC coil design. Again... just some suggestions.
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Registered Member #16605
Joined: Wed May 08 2013, 02:09AM
Posts: 12
im aware the ratios a bit off but its not to bad i couldent find like 10 inch pipe or anything like that. it dosent seem to effect it even tho the crazy racin sparks are there there just as long or longer than the normal sparks that come out of my small spark gap coil with the same system connected. so yea on another note if decided im going to make the sst 1.0 and probbily turn the big bertha into a rotery coil then make a musical drsstc later my dream is to make a musical tesla coil
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Registered Member #16605
Joined: Wed May 08 2013, 02:09AM
Posts: 12
anything i should note different about rotery gaps verses spark gap normal besides the obvious
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