Power transistor thermal impedance simulation
Registered Member #3988
Joined: Thu Jul 07 2011, 03:25PM
Posts: 711
Hi Eric,
The single pulse curve is the step function response, so it gives the temperature rise after you start dissipating (constant) power in the transistor. It will just go up and then settle at some value, so the area undet it will increase indefinitely with time and not give any interesting result.
Here's a prescription: Let SR(t) be the manufacturer given single pulse curve. Then
PR(t) = dSR/dt
will be the pulse response. The temperature at any given time x when dissipating power P(t) in the device will be the convolution integral
Temp(x) = Integral over the duration of P(t) of P(t) * PR(x-t) * dt
The largest value of Temp(x) will tell you, whether the transistor will overheat.
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