Plasma evolution at 240fps
Registered Member #2292
Joined: Fri Aug 14 2009, 05:33PM
Location: The Wild West AKA Arizona
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Nice! Love the decay at the end as the spark fades out.
I have two question: What spark length are you pushing on this thing?
Also is this using your new fancy water block?
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Steve Ward
Registered Member #146
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What spark length are you pushing on this thing? The length to the ceiling is 56".
And ironically i measure the top voltage to be about 56kV after my recent probe-recalibration.
1 kV per inch :) You couldnt have guessed more right .
Also is this using your new fancy water block? You mean this one?
Not yet, but im finally installing it for tests. Im pretty happy with the performance of a similar water block i made which was able to do 150W dissipation on a TO-247 with a kapton isolator. This test was also with a smaller mosfet which had more internal thermal resistance, so the IGBTs that this project uses would be able to do 200W dissipation (die temp around 110C). I calculate that i need each IGBT to do 50W worst case which should be pretty easy if i can keep my coolant temp to 60C or less. I plan on reusing this bridge design for some other projects too, so i hope my math is right!
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Registered Member #2694
Joined: Mon Feb 22 2010, 11:52PM
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It's sad.. Anyway it is awesome. =)
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